“Sri Govardhan Puja.” Srila B. B. Avadhut Maharaj. November 13, 2023. India

#00:00:00# — Srila Avadhut Maharaj on the meaning and tradition of celebrating Sri Govardhan Puja. In this lila (divine pastime), Krishna received the name ‘Govinda’.

#00:14:00# — Why did the great Indra make such a mistake? A lesson in the ruinousness of pride for all living beings in the universe.

#00:20:40# — Krishna did not punish Indra, Indra himself repented and uttered beautiful prayers.

#00:25:40#Govardhan-lila is the first lila that we made in spherical cinema, because it is bright and understandable even for children. The crushing of the ego.

#00:33:30# — In all our ashrams, the deity of Sri Giriraja is first installed.

#00:42:40# — Srimati Bhakti Lalita Didi introduces her parents to Maharaj. A few words from Mohan Ananda Prabhu.

#00:48:00# — Bhakti Lalita Didi reads a passage from Srimad-Bhagavatam about Govardhan-lila. Part of the limitless is also limitless. About the worship of Sri Giriraj in the Gupta Govardhan Thai Ashram.

#01:09:40# — Giriraj is very merciful, like loving parents, He takes care of and cares for His devoted servants. Giriraj worship is a ‘kitchen religion’.

←  «Игры Махапрабху в Джаганнатха Пури». Шрила Б. С. Говинда Дев-Госвами Махарадж. 2 января 1994 года. Пури Дхама, Индия. «Простые и сладостные истины» (часть 73) ·• Архив новостей •· «Даял Нитай Чайтанья». Шрила Бхактивинод Тхакур | “Dayal Nitai Chaitanya.” Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur  →

#00:00:00# — Srila Avadhut Maharaj on the meaning and tradition of celebrating Sri Govardhan Puja. In this lila (divine pastime), Krishna received the name ‘Govinda’.

#00:14:00# — Why did the great Indra make such a mistake? A lesson in the ruinousness of pride for all living beings in the universe.

#00:20:40# — Krishna did not punish Indra, Indra himself repented and uttered beautiful prayers.

#00:25:40#Govardhan-lila is the first lila that we made in spherical cinema, because it is bright and understandable even for children. The crushing of the ego.

#00:33:30# — In all our ashrams, the deity of Sri Giriraja is first installed.

#00:42:40# — Srimati Bhakti Lalita Didi introduces her parents to Maharaj. A few words from Mohan Ananda Prabhu.

#00:48:00# — Bhakti Lalita Didi reads a passage from Srimad-Bhagavatam about Govardhan-lila. Part of the limitless is also limitless. About the worship of Sri Giriraj in the Gupta Govardhan Thai Ashram.

#01:09:40# — Giriraj is very merciful, like loving parents, He takes care of and cares for His devoted servants. Giriraj worship is a ‘kitchen religion’.

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