“Guru is Everything.” Srila B. S. Goswami Maharaj. April 18, 2016. Gupta Govardhan

In English

—  There is no greater suffering than separation from the devotees of Krishna.

—  “How could you stay away from Me for so long and deprive Me from the wealth that in your heart [Krishna-prem]?”

—  If something is service to Guru Maharaj — Gurudev is jumping for that!

←  «О Говинде Махарадже». Шрила Б. Р. Мадхусудан Махарадж. 12 сентября 2017 года. Москва, Кисельный ·• Архив новостей •· «Капли нектара | Санатана Госвами о раса-лиле Шри Баладевы». Шрила Б. Р. Шридхар Дев-Госвами Махарадж. 1980-е годы | Навадвипа Дхама, Индия  →

In English

—  There is no greater suffering than separation from the devotees of Krishna.

—  “How could you stay away from Me for so long and deprive Me from the wealth that in your heart [Krishna-prem]?”

—  If something is service to Guru Maharaj — Gurudev is jumping for that!

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