“Guru’s Dearest.” Srila B. S. Goswami Maharaj. June 7, 2019. Gupta Govardhan

In English

Audio (listen/download): https://mahamandala.com/en/audios/1535

— A pet disciple of Saraswati Thakur.
— We worship Guru with those who’s dear to him.
— The Vedas are the desire trees: a way out of Maya for everyone.
— From seed to fruit, from bhakti-lata-bij to prema-latika.
— Happiness from others’ suffering.
— “Amara jivana”, confessional poetry: how to pray.
— The Pharisees and the real humility.
— Svetadwip in Siberia.
— Negativity is equated with humility.
— The power of negativity.
— Super-conductors: zero resistance to current.
— A progressive devotee is happy to see others make progress.
— Not to be envious of and appreciate the Guru’s entourage.
— Radharani is in the primary position.
— Paramananda Prabhu would read a chapter from “Prapanna-jivanamritam” every day.
— A bee collecting the nectar from the great devotees.
— Vijay Raman Prabhu is the father of the father of the Russian mission.
— “Vijay Raman” is Gurudeva’s code word for honey.
— Krishna’s own family don’t think that He’s God.
— Vijay Raman invites Goswami Maharaja to Lakhta.

←  «Земля, дарованная Гуру». Шрила Б. С. Госвами Махарадж. 7 июня 2010 года. Лахта, Санкт-Петербург ·• Архив новостей •· «Праздничный зум. День явления Шрипада Виджая Рамана Прабху». 7 июня 2023 года  →

In English

Audio (listen/download): https://mahamandala.com/en/audios/1535

— A pet disciple of Saraswati Thakur.
— We worship Guru with those who’s dear to him.
— The Vedas are the desire trees: a way out of Maya for everyone.
— From seed to fruit, from bhakti-lata-bij to prema-latika.
— Happiness from others’ suffering.
— “Amara jivana”, confessional poetry: how to pray.
— The Pharisees and the real humility.
— Svetadwip in Siberia.
— Negativity is equated with humility.
— The power of negativity.
— Super-conductors: zero resistance to current.
— A progressive devotee is happy to see others make progress.
— Not to be envious of and appreciate the Guru’s entourage.
— Radharani is in the primary position.
— Paramananda Prabhu would read a chapter from “Prapanna-jivanamritam” every day.
— A bee collecting the nectar from the great devotees.
— Vijay Raman Prabhu is the father of the father of the Russian mission.
— “Vijay Raman” is Gurudeva’s code word for honey.
— Krishna’s own family don’t think that He’s God.
— Vijay Raman invites Goswami Maharaja to Lakhta.

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