“How to let Krishna in your heart? Srila B. S. Goswami Maharaj. March 25, 2016. Gupta Govardhan

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1. Q: It’s said that we need laulyam, a strong desire for Krishna consciousness on the one hand and on the other hand, Krishna is a thief. Please, tell us, how Krishna can charm us—no matter what.

2. Q: When you start to analyze—there is no realization. So what does it mean: to be conscious?

— Our solace that Krishna is a thief: we’ve created bulwarks to keep Him out.

— Aghasura: somehow or other we should allow Krishna to enter.

— Laulyam is the purchase price—so inadvertently we are pushed towards Vaishnavas.

— Krishna is substantially present in the heart of His devotees—and we should follow their path. Don’t try to approach Krishna directly.

— The real religion is to be found in the heart of Mahajanas.

— Nothing will obstruct this natural flow of bhava-bhakti from the heart of the real devotees.

— Negativity can be measured in the terms of want or need: what’s heart is hankering for—I’m lacking that.

— Brahmins’ wives didn’t go to gurukula, but their hearts are in the right place—so they run towards Krishna to offer Him everything.

— No need to analyze these things: great devotees have done it for our benefit. It’s all grace, actually.

←  Гаура-пурнима в дальневосточном ведическом центре «Радхика». Март 2016 года. Хабаровск ·• Архив новостей •· «Субъективная эволюция сознания». Шрила Б. Р. Мадхусудан Махарадж. 22 марта 2016 года. Санкт-Петербург. Арт-кафе «Книги и кофе»  →

Это аудио в хорошем качестве на mahamandala.com

1. Q: It’s said that we need laulyam, a strong desire for Krishna consciousness on the one hand and on the other hand, Krishna is a thief. Please, tell us, how Krishna can charm us—no matter what.

2. Q: When you start to analyze—there is no realization. So what does it mean: to be conscious?

— Our solace that Krishna is a thief: we’ve created bulwarks to keep Him out.

— Aghasura: somehow or other we should allow Krishna to enter.

— Laulyam is the purchase price—so inadvertently we are pushed towards Vaishnavas.

— Krishna is substantially present in the heart of His devotees—and we should follow their path. Don’t try to approach Krishna directly.

— The real religion is to be found in the heart of Mahajanas.

— Nothing will obstruct this natural flow of bhava-bhakti from the heart of the real devotees.

— Negativity can be measured in the terms of want or need: what’s heart is hankering for—I’m lacking that.

— Brahmins’ wives didn’t go to gurukula, but their hearts are in the right place—so they run towards Krishna to offer Him everything.

— No need to analyze these things: great devotees have done it for our benefit. It’s all grace, actually.

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