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What is the meaning of sankirtan? Samyak means ‘full’, and kirtan means ‘chanting’. Together, these two words form the word sankirtan, which generally means ‘congregational chanting of the Holy Name of Krishna.’ But samyak means full not only in quantity but also in quality. Full quantity means extensive in number: congregational. Full quality means complete praise. Complete praise can only mean the glorification of Krishna, and not any other gods.
So sankirtan means complete kirtan, a song in praise of the complete whole, the Absolute Truth; anything else is only a partial representation and therefore defective to a certain extent. Therefore, Krishna should be praised. His glories should be chanted, for He is everything. He is the master, the dispenser of both good and bad, the Absolute Controller of everything. Everything is due to Him. The fulfilment of all life is reached in Him alone. Just as a horse may have reins to check his movements, but if let loose will run freely, praise which is unchecked by any mundane purpose will run straight towards the Supreme Cause, Krishna.
The word sri means Laksmi Devi: Krishna’s potency. This means that in sankirtan, Krishna is worshipped along with His potency, for Krishna’s potency is included within Him.
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu says that Sri Krishna-sankirtan should thrive throughout the world; it should be victorious without any hindrance (param vijayate Sri Krsna-sankirtanam). It should be a spontaneous, unchecked, and natural flow. It should be exclusive, independent, and without reservation. And this praise of Krishna should be congregationally chanted — that vibration is beneficial for the whole world. Only by surrender and pure devotion can we take to Sri Krishna-sankirtan.

— books The Golden Volcano of Divine Love / Part 2. The Precepts of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (Siksastakam 1–8) / The Holy Name of Krishna

sankirtan congregational glorification of the Name, Form, Qualities, Pastimes, associates, and paraphernalia of the Lord; the prescribed religious practice for the Age of Kali.

— books Sri Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmya / Glossary