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Шри Чайтанья Сарасват Матх в России


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Мраморная колесница иллюстрация Господь Кришна Вриндаван

Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead; He who is all-attractive (krs) and gives ecstasy (na); the original Name and Form of the Supreme Lord in which He has unparalleled qualities and Pastimes

— books Sri Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmya / Glossary

Раман Рети, любимое место детских игр Кришны

Srila Svarup Damodar Prabhu has explained that Krishna’s power is classified in three manifestations: first is chit-sakti [ transcendental potency ], the second is jada-sakti [ mundane potency ], and the third is where the first two come very close to each other, and that is called tatastha-sakti. First is light, second is shadow, and third is the position midway between the two.

— books Affectionate Guidance / Section 1. Siddhanta / Chapter 12. Our Lord’s Beloved Power

Нандаграм, где Шри Кришна провел детство (с 8 до 16 лет), перед тем, как отправиться в Матхуру