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Supreme Lord

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Ganga the sacred river Ganges; the consort of the Supreme Lord who serves Him in the form of a river. After washing the lotus feet of Lord Visnu and filling the Causal Ocean, the Ganga enters this material universe, flows through the heavenly planets, and descends to the earth after her fallen is broken by Lord Siva. From the Himalayas, the Ganga flows across India into the Bay of Bengal, purifying and blessing all souls with devotion to the Lord.

— books Sri Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmya / Glossary

Krama-patha also in some cases refers to the gradual process by which the Lord reveals Himself sequentially as His nama, rupa, guna, and then lila—His Name, then His form, then His qualities, and finally His Pastimes.

— books Prakrta-rasa-sata-dusani / Glossary