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Pure devotion

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Pure devotion is constant endeavour to please Krishna that is free from fleeting desires and unobstructed by exploitation and renunciation.

— books Sri Upadesamrta / Verse One

«The essence of the natural propensity of the soul is pure devotion. It arises in the mind of a conditioned soul and expands as inclination towards Krsna within their material body. This is how the goddess of devotion exists in this world.

— books Sri Sri Prema-vivarta / Chapter 17. Different Practices for Different Devotees

«When devotees, in the midst their social duty, accept everything that is favourable to devotion and avoid everything that is unfavourable to devotion, then they attain pure devotion.

— books Sri Sri Prema-vivarta / Chapter 17. Different Practices for Different Devotees

Prahlad a renowned devotee of Lord Visnu whose devotion could not be checked even by the extreme abuse of his father Hiranyakasipu. Prahlad Maharaj is glorified for perfectly practising the process of remembering the Lord (smaranam) and being the paramount example of santa-rasa devotion. His life and teachings establish the foundation of pure devotion to the Lord.

— books Sri Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmya / Glossary