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mayavad lit. ‘illusionism’; the theory that the eternal spiritual existence of the Lord, His energies, His personal forms, His abodes, the soul (devotees of the Lord), and devotion to the Lord are all an illusion. Mayavad is the ultimate antithesis of Vaisnavism and claims that the highest aim in life is to merge into Brahma.

— books Sri Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmya / Glossary

Sankar Acharya an avatar of Lord Siva whom Lord Krsna sent to the earth to conceal the true purport of the Vedanta. He is renowned as the greatest proponent of monism (illusionism) and the pursuit of merging into Brahma (sayujya-mukti).

— books Sri Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmya / Glossary