“Worried-ness.” Srila B. S. Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj. 26 March 2007. Nabadwip Dham, India

“Why are people not taking this medicine?.. we are always within worried-ness, but if we will understand it, then worried-ness not will come to us. But if worried-ness not will come to us, we will be lazy and stay in some one chair and not do anything. That’s also other problem.”

Morning darshan, 26th March 2007. Nabadwip Dham, India.


←  «Чалара патхе». Шрила Б. С. Говинда Дев-Госвами Махарадж. 16 сентября 1955 года | “Chalara Pathe.” Srila B. S. Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj. 16 September 1955 ·• Архив новостей •· «Дружеский долг» (часть 1). Шрипад Бхагавата-джанананда Прабху. 21 февраля 1925 года | “The Duty of a Friend” (part 1). Sripad Bhagavata-janananda Prabhu. 21 February 1925  →

“Why are people not taking this medicine?.. we are always within worried-ness, but if we will understand it, then worried-ness not will come to us. But if worried-ness not will come to us, we will be lazy and stay in some one chair and not do anything. That’s also other problem.”

Morning darshan, 26th March 2007. Nabadwip Dham, India.


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