“Did Saraswati Thakur Acquire His Great Power by Chanting?” Srila B. R. Madhusudan Maharaj, Sripad Paramananda Prabhu. 26 October 2016. Saraswati Thakur’s bhajan-kutir, Puri Dham, India

Q: Did Saraswati Thakur acquired his power during the period of his private nam-bhajan before preaching wide?

Everything to do with the Guru is lila. — To chant the holy name we must have service. — Bhaktivinod Thakur as Guru, not as father. — Purushottam Gaudiya Math. — See Chatak-parvat as non-different from Govardhan. — Lion-Guru. — The disappearance pastimes. — Jagannath stops in front of Saraswati Thakur’s birthplace. — Bimala Prasad. — Pilgrimage from Nabadwip to Puri.

Фото: Паван Кришна Прабху, Сарасвати Деви Даси


Пурушоттам Гаудия Матх, бхаджан-кутир Сарасвати Тхакура рядом с храмом Тота-Гопинатх
Шри Шри Гоур-Гададхар-Винод-Радха-Мадхав Джиу
Чатак-парват, песчанный холм рядом с Пурушоттам Матхом, неотличный от Говардхана
Место рождения Сарасвати Тхакура. Дорога из Храма Джаганнатхи в храм Гундича
Джай Джаганнатх!

←  «Богатство в духовной жизни». Шрила Б. С. Говинда Дев-Госвами Махарадж. 25 декабря 1991 года. Индия | “Wealth in Spiritual Life.” Srila B. S. Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj. 25 December 1991. India ·• Архив новостей •· “The Mystery of Woman Power.” Srimati Bhakti Lalita Devi Dasi. March 7, 2021. Gupta Govardhan | «Тайна женской силы». Шримати Бхакти Лалита Деви Даси. 7 марта 2021 года. Гупта Говардхан  →

Q: Did Saraswati Thakur acquired his power during the period of his private nam-bhajan before preaching wide?

Everything to do with the Guru is lila. — To chant the holy name we must have service. — Bhaktivinod Thakur as Guru, not as father. — Purushottam Gaudiya Math. — See Chatak-parvat as non-different from Govardhan. — Lion-Guru. — The disappearance pastimes. — Jagannath stops in front of Saraswati Thakur’s birthplace. — Bimala Prasad. — Pilgrimage from Nabadwip to Puri.

Фото: Паван Кришна Прабху, Сарасвати Деви Даси


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