“Nourishing the Devotees.” Srila B. S. Goswami Maharaj, Srila B. R. Madhusudan Maharaj and the devotees. Appearance of Srila B. R. Madhusudan Maharaj. August 6, 2020. Gupta Govardhan

Madhusudan Maharaj: coming to the temple. — Appreciating the devotees. — Sannyasi Thakur becomes Vaishnava Das. — 40th year in the Mission. — Vaishnavism: walking on a knife’s edge. — Our Masters want us to share what they’ve given. — Goswami Maharaj. “One Guru appears in the infinity of forms.” — The path of service is the path to happiness, love and affection. —The one who is nourishing the whole mission with our Masters’ instructions. — Gurudev and Mahananda Prabhu’s partnership. — We are fodder for Krishna. — Explanation of the “Bhakti Ranjan” title. — Offer yourself. — Sridhar Maharaj, Govinda Maharaj and Madhusudan Maharaj: the tradition of love, affection and overwhelming personal interaction. — Paramananda Prabhu tells about Malaysian mission. — Bhakti Lalita about the “Boss”. — Devotees glorify Madhusudan Maharaj. — “Troika”. — A family life with Krishna. — The ability to engage and to be engaged in the service. — The high standards of our Math. — The current from above. — Not to become complacent. — Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math in a moving form.

←  Видео-подношение Шриле Мадхусудану Махараджу от учеников и сочинских преданных в день его явления. 10 августа 2017 года. Лахта, Санкт-Петербург | Сочи ·• Архив новостей •· «Давайте молиться друг за друга». Шрила Б. Б. Авадхут Махарадж. 1 сентября 2023 года. Калифорния, США  →

Madhusudan Maharaj: coming to the temple. — Appreciating the devotees. — Sannyasi Thakur becomes Vaishnava Das. — 40th year in the Mission. — Vaishnavism: walking on a knife’s edge. — Our Masters want us to share what they’ve given. — Goswami Maharaj. “One Guru appears in the infinity of forms.” — The path of service is the path to happiness, love and affection. —The one who is nourishing the whole mission with our Masters’ instructions. — Gurudev and Mahananda Prabhu’s partnership. — We are fodder for Krishna. — Explanation of the “Bhakti Ranjan” title. — Offer yourself. — Sridhar Maharaj, Govinda Maharaj and Madhusudan Maharaj: the tradition of love, affection and overwhelming personal interaction. — Paramananda Prabhu tells about Malaysian mission. — Bhakti Lalita about the “Boss”. — Devotees glorify Madhusudan Maharaj. — “Troika”. — A family life with Krishna. — The ability to engage and to be engaged in the service. — The high standards of our Math. — The current from above. — Not to become complacent. — Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math in a moving form.

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