“The Ropes of Mercy | Lord Nitai’s Flat Rice and Yoghurt Festival at Sripat Panihati. Srila B. S. Goswami Maharaj. June 14, 2019. Gupta Govardhan

In English

Chira-Dadhi-Mahotsava: Lord Nitai’s Flat Rice and Yoghurt Festival at Sripat Panihati

— The qualities, the ropes of Mahaprabhu’s mercy.
— The role of separation in the pastimes.
— Raghunath Das Goswami’s attempts to leave material life.
— Krishna cancels your destiny, if you surrender to Him.
— The single focus of a devotee.
— By the mercy of Nityananda Prabhu everything is possible.
— Who can see the spiritual illumination?
— Nityananda Prabhu’s “punishment” of Raghunath Das Goswami: “Feed Me and My associates.”
— Flat rice and yogurt—a cowboy picnic.
— By Nityananda’s meditation Mahaprabhu appears.
— Four occasions when Mahaprabhu appears.
— Why does Radharani cook for Krishna?
— Raghava-bhavan.
— Raghunath Das Goswami’s successful escape and his life in Puri.
— Progress: what was acceptable before, now is not acceptable.
Vairagya, renunciation is a result of inner evolution, not vice versa.
Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita comes from Raghunath Das Goswami.
— Inner joy.
— Mahaprabhu says, “What I don’t know, Swarup Damodar knows fully.”
— Govardhan-shila is Krishna’s body—no installation needed, He is Krisnha.
Braja-gopis’ praise of Govardhan.
— Mahaprabhu’s personal Govardhan-shila and gunja-mala He gave to Raghunath Das Goswami.
— “Govardhan, please, give me shelter nearby!”
— Raghunath Das Goswami’s prayers: life’s purpose is the service to Radharani.
Aparadha: service without Radharani is a hallucination.
— A speck of dust or a super-servitor?
Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita: the greatest literature of the day.

Audio (listen/download): https://mahamandala.com/en/audios/1536

←  «Данда-махотсав Рагхунатха». Служение Шриману Нитьянанде Прабху и Его спутникам | “Raghunath’s Danda Mahotsav.” Service to Sriman Nityananda Prabhu and His associates ·• Архив новостей •· «Фестиваль в Панихати». Шрила Б. С. Говинда Дев-Госвами Махарадж. 9 июня 2006 года. Дам Дам Парк, Колката, Индия  →

In English

Chira-Dadhi-Mahotsava: Lord Nitai’s Flat Rice and Yoghurt Festival at Sripat Panihati

- The qualities, the ropes of Mahaprabhu’s mercy.
- The role of separation in the pastimes.
- Raghunath Das Goswami’s attempts to leave material life.
- Krishna cancels your destiny, if you surrender to Him.
- The single focus of a devotee.
- By the mercy of Nityananda Prabhu everything is possible.
- Who can see the spiritual illumination?
- Nityananda Prabhu’s “punishment” of Raghunath Das Goswami: “Feed Me and My associates.”
- Flat rice and yogurt—a cowboy picnic.
- By Nityananda’s meditation Mahaprabhu appears.
- Four occasions when Mahaprabhu appears.
- Why does Radharani cook for Krishna?
- Raghava-bhavan.
- Raghunath Das Goswami’s successful escape and his life in Puri.
- Progress: what was acceptable before, now is not acceptable.
- Vairagya, renunciation is a result of inner evolution, not vice versa.
- Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita comes from Raghunath Das Goswami.
- Inner joy.
- Mahaprabhu says, “What I don’t know, Swarup Damodar knows fully.”
- Govardhan-shila is Krishna’s body—no installation needed, He is Krisnha.
- Braja-gopis’ praise of Govardhan.
- Mahaprabhu’s personal Govardhan-shila and gunja-mala He gave to Raghunath Das Goswami.
- “Govardhan, please, give me shelter nearby!”
- Raghunath Das Goswami’s prayers: life’s purpose is the service to Radharani.
- Aparadha: service without Radharani is a hallucination.
- A speck of dust or a super-servitor?
- Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita: the greatest literature of the day.

Audio (listen/download): https://mahamandala.com/en/audios/1536

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