“Do you need knowledge in love?” Srila B. S. Goswami Maharaj. 16 March, 2016. Gupta Govardhan

In English

— What’s the difference between gyana-shunya bhakti and blind faith?

— Blind faith is unhealthy, but then gyana-shunya bhakti (knowledge-free devotion) describes the higher section of the liberated souls. Should a child be suspicious of his mother? Suspicion leads to suspension [of faith]. In material world one lives at the expense of another. Egocentric and theocentric worlds. The contention of Krishna consciousness: a plane that is beyond doubt or suspicions exists. .

— Brahma says: “Give up trying to interrogate the Infinite, try to measure Him with your intellect.” Vaikuntha contains some element of calculation. Narada Muni searches for the medicine to cure Krishna’s headache: only Braja-gopis are ready to give their feet dust for it immediately — they have no calculation on their part. Gyana-shunya-bhakti..

— Heart rules Vrindavan. George Clooney’s story. Brahma is bewildered: Krishna, the Supreme Reality is just a cowherd boy? Demon Aghasura pastimes. Krishna has dark complexion, so you can see Him just if He’s dressed in His yellow dress of potency, hladini-shakti. Don’t try to measure Krishna, but hear about Him from those who love Him. Relationship with “God” — it means majestic aspect, “How can that be good for me?” Pure devotion has no ulterior motive. .

— Braja gopis are “jungle girls”, but no one can surpass them in understanding and knowledge when the exchange clever words with Krishna. A story about mullah and old lady’s goat: what are the real emotions? The full knowledge of the Absolute..

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In English

- What’s the difference between gyana-shunya bhakti and blind faith?

- Blind faith is unhealthy, but then gyana-shunya bhakti (knowledge-free devotion) describes the higher section of the liberated souls. Should a child be suspicious of his mother? Suspicion leads to suspension [of faith]. In material world one lives at the expense of another. Egocentric and theocentric worlds. The contention of Krishna consciousness: a plane that is beyond doubt or suspicions exists. .

- Brahma says: “Give up trying to interrogate the Infinite, try to measure Him with your intellect.” Vaikuntha contains some element of calculation. Narada Muni searches for the medicine to cure Krishna’s headache: only Braja-gopis are ready to give their feet dust for it immediately — they have no calculation on their part. Gyana-shunya-bhakti..

- Heart rules Vrindavan. George Clooney’s story. Brahma is bewildered: Krishna, the Supreme Reality is just a cowherd boy? Demon Aghasura pastimes. Krishna has dark complexion, so you can see Him just if He’s dressed in His yellow dress of potency, hladini-shakti. Don’t try to measure Krishna, but hear about Him from those who love Him. Relationship with “God” — it means majestic aspect, “How can that be good for me?” Pure devotion has no ulterior motive. .

- Braja gopis are “jungle girls”, but no one can surpass them in understanding and knowledge when the exchange clever words with Krishna. A story about mullah and old lady’s goat: what are the real emotions? The full knowledge of the Absolute..

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