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When Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was on His way to Puri Dham, He told the transcendental story of Srila Madhavendra Puri to His associates as they halted at Remuna, Odisha. Mahaprabhu said that He had heard this from Isvar Puri.

— books Affectionate Guidance / Section 2. Biographical / Chapter 14. Srila Madhavendra Puripad — The Sprout of Love Divine

Madhavendra Puri stayed there, and after that he departed the world at that very place of Remuna. We have seen there the Samadhi Temple of Srila Madhavendra Puri, a very small and charming Temple.

— books Affectionate Guidance / Section 2. Biographical / Chapter 14. Srila Madhavendra Puripad — The Sprout of Love Divine