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Kavi Karnapur

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Those whom Gaura blesses become glorious throughout the world, and Kavi Karnapur was honoured as a great poet when he was only seven years old.

— books Sri Sri Prema-vivarta / Chapter 8. Give up Deceit

The glorious Sivananda Sen, Kavi Karnapur’s father, taught me Srimad Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita in my youth.

— books Sri Sri Prema-vivarta / Chapter 8. Give up Deceit

Kavi Karnapur the youngest son of Sivananda Sen, who, by the special grace of Sriman Mahaprabhu, was able to compose Sanskrit poetry about Lord Krsna at just seven years of age. In his maturity, he composed numerous Sanskrit texts describing the Pastimes of Lord Krsna, Sriman Mahaprabhu, and Their associates.

— books Sri Sri Prema-vivarta / Glossary