“Life and Heritage of Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur.” Srila B. R. Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj. 12 September 1981. Navadwip Dham, India

Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur’s Appearance Day, 1981.

Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj tells us how Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur by the order of Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur took Gaura Kishor Das Babaji as Gurudev formally, but knowing Bhakti Vinod Thakur was his real Guru from the internal consideration. He was filled with Bhakti Vinod Thakur in the spiritual sense. He installed many Maths where the name of the Deities were Vinod Vilas, Vinod Ram, Vinod Ananda, etc. He knew that his attempt to approach Radha Govinda and Mahaprabhu was inconceivable without Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur’s intervention. He saw Radharani and Gadadhar in Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur—the highest ideal of Guru-tattva, in Gaura-lila, Gadadhar; and in Krishna-lila, Radharani. He also told once that if we rise a little higher and look, we shall find Radharani in Gurudev. The source of the grace of the Guru is coming from the original source of service, so he used to see Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur under that light.

12 September 1981. Navadwip Dham, India.


День явления Шрилы Бхактивинода Тхакура в 1981 году.

Шрила Бхакти Ракшак Шридхар Дев-Госвами Махарадж рассказывает о том, как Шрила Бхактисиддханта Сарасвати Тхакур по указанию Шрилы Бхактивинода Тхакура формально принял Гауракишора Даса Бабаджи своим Гурудевом; но внутренне его настоящий Гуру — Бхактивинод Тхакур. Он был наполнен Бхактивинодом Тхакуром в духовном смысле. Он основал немало матхов, Божества в которых получили такие имена, как Винод Лилас, Винод Рам, Винод Ананда и пр. Он знал, что его стремление приблизиться к Радхе-Говинде и Махапрабху немыслимо без посредничества Шрилы Бхактивинода Тхакура. В Шриле Бхактивиноде Тхакуре он видел Радхарани и Гададхара — высочайший идеал гуру-таттвы; в гаура-лиле — Гададхара; а в лиле Кришны — Радхарани. Также ему принадлежит знаменитое высказывание о том, что если мы немного возвысимся и приглядимся внимательней, то в Гурудеве увидим Радхарани. Источником милости Гуру является изначальный источник служения, именно в таком свете он рассматривал Шрилу Бхактивинода Тхакура.

12 сентября 1981 года. Навадвипа Дхама, Индия.


Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj 

Life and Heritage of Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur

(12 September 1981. Navadwip Dham, India)


[So that would be the authentic history of his life. Especially the earlier and major portion of his life. His last days may not be mentioned there.]

Bhaktivinod Thakur, he came in a big family, famous family, in a kayastha family, ‘Datta’ their upadhi. And Vivekananda also came out of the same family. Datta, in Calcutta, a famous family, with substantial name and fame.

But, his maternal uncle’s house was the place Ula, where Lalita Prasad has constructed Math [Birnagar]. Near Birnagar there was a big village named Ula, where the landlord lived, they had the maternal connection with Bhaktivinod Thakur.

His father became poor and he was born and brought up in Ula. And he studied in Krishnanagar college, school. Then of course he had [some] exceptional talent he came in connection with the then educated society among the students, especially one man, there was one mister Datt, the Christian missionary who established Scottish Church’s college. He came in his connection and he was encouraging the young Bengalis at the time. Abstracting most of them towards Christianity, and many of them, they became Christians.

Bhaktivinod Thakur, once there was some association, and some journals were also published from that association. Bhaktivinod Thakur also completed one essay, and Datt was displeased with him. He told [Bhaktivinod] that his essay was of an atheistic temperament. “So I don’t expect it from a boy, a young man of your type. Here you have tried to prove that everything is conning out of blind nature, but there is God.”

Anyhow, gradually, he had close association with the brahman society. The advanced [in culture], supposed to be advanced in culture. Followers of Ramananda Rai, and his first friend was the eldest brother of Rabindranath. Dvijendranath Tagore was his intimate friend.

In this way, he had to accept some service for livelihood, and government service he got, and he was posted in Orissa, in the position of S.D.O. in charge of some subdivision. Sub Divisional Officer. And sometimes he also goes to the inspector of the Puri, Jagannath temple, to supervise there may not be any corruption all these things.

At that time he came in connection with Bhagavatam, when he was engaged in the service of the Jagannath temple. And he tried to read it, then he was gradually captured. Bhagavatam, and the life of Sri Chaitanya Deva, he came in connection with all these things in Puri.

The brahmanas association expected much from him, because he was of scholarly character. He could write well, argue well, but coming in contact with Bhagavatam, when he was serving in Dinajpur, he gave a speech on Bhagavatam.

There, he separated himself completely from the brahman school. He was seen to side with the Vaishnava school of thinking. And gradually he read the shastra also and wrote many books of the Vaishnava shastra.

Then after retirement, he went to Vrindavan to pass the rest of his life there he got a dream repeatedly to discover the proper birthplace of Sri Chaitanya Dev. He could not neglect that thing and again he entered the service in Krishnanagar, and there the records of the local place he used to consult. And there by the help of the records as well as by inspiration, he discovered the birthplace at Yogapith in Mayapur.

Then he visited the whole Navadwip mandala and from the old scriptures also he gave a description of the whole Dham of Mahaprabhu. And he formed a sabha, a committee, association committee, so that the seva, the puja at that place will continue.

Until #00:06:50#

←  «Явление Бхактивинода Тхакура». Сахадев Прабху. 4 сентября 2017 года. Москва, Кисельный ·• Архив новостей •· «Жизнь и наследие Шрилы Бхактивинода Тхакура». Шрила Б. Б. Авадхут Махарадж. 10 сентября 2011 года. Лахта, Санкт-Петербург  →

Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur’s Appearance Day, 1981.

Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj tells us how Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur by the order of Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur took Gaura Kishor Das Babaji as Gurudev formally, but knowing Bhakti Vinod Thakur was his real Guru from the internal consideration. He was filled with Bhakti Vinod Thakur in the spiritual sense. He installed many Maths where the name of the Deities were Vinod Vilas, Vinod Ram, Vinod Ananda, etc. He knew that his attempt to approach Radha Govinda and Mahaprabhu was inconceivable without Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur’s intervention. He saw Radharani and Gadadhar in Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur—the highest ideal of Guru-tattva, in Gaura-lila, Gadadhar; and in Krishna-lila, Radharani. He also told once that if we rise a little higher and look, we shall find Radharani in Gurudev. The source of the grace of the Guru is coming from the original source of service, so he used to see Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur under that light.

12 September 1981. Navadwip Dham, India.


День явления Шрилы Бхактивинода Тхакура в 1981 году.

Шрила Бхакти Ракшак Шридхар Дев-Госвами Махарадж рассказывает о том, как Шрила Бхактисиддханта Сарасвати Тхакур по указанию Шрилы Бхактивинода Тхакура формально принял Гауракишора Даса Бабаджи своим Гурудевом; но внутренне его настоящий Гуру — Бхактивинод Тхакур. Он был наполнен Бхактивинодом Тхакуром в духовном смысле. Он основал немало матхов, Божества в которых получили такие имена, как Винод Лилас, Винод Рам, Винод Ананда и пр. Он знал, что его стремление приблизиться к Радхе-Говинде и Махапрабху немыслимо без посредничества Шрилы Бхактивинода Тхакура. В Шриле Бхактивиноде Тхакуре он видел Радхарани и Гададхара — высочайший идеал гуру-таттвы; в гаура-лиле — Гададхара; а в лиле Кришны — Радхарани. Также ему принадлежит знаменитое высказывание о том, что если мы немного возвысимся и приглядимся внимательней, то в Гурудеве увидим Радхарани. Источником милости Гуру является изначальный источник служения, именно в таком свете он рассматривал Шрилу Бхактивинода Тхакура.

12 сентября 1981 года. Навадвипа Дхама, Индия.


Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj 

Life and Heritage of Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur

(12 September 1981. Navadwip Dham, India)


[So that would be the authentic history of his life. Especially the earlier and major portion of his life. His last days may not be mentioned there.]

Bhaktivinod Thakur, he came in a big family, famous family, in a kayastha family, ‘Datta’ their upadhi. And Vivekananda also came out of the same family. Datta, in Calcutta, a famous family, with substantial name and fame.

But, his maternal uncle’s house was the place Ula, where Lalita Prasad has constructed Math [Birnagar]. Near Birnagar there was a big village named Ula, where the landlord lived, they had the maternal connection with Bhaktivinod Thakur.

His father became poor and he was born and brought up in Ula. And he studied in Krishnanagar college, school. Then of course he had [some] exceptional talent he came in connection with the then educated society among the students, especially one man, there was one mister Datt, the Christian missionary who established Scottish Church’s college. He came in his connection and he was encouraging the young Bengalis at the time. Abstracting most of them towards Christianity, and many of them, they became Christians.

Bhaktivinod Thakur, once there was some association, and some journals were also published from that association. Bhaktivinod Thakur also completed one essay, and Datt was displeased with him. He told [Bhaktivinod] that his essay was of an atheistic temperament. “So I don’t expect it from a boy, a young man of your type. Here you have tried to prove that everything is conning out of blind nature, but there is God.”

Anyhow, gradually, he had close association with the brahman society. The advanced [in culture], supposed to be advanced in culture. Followers of Ramananda Rai, and his first friend was the eldest brother of Rabindranath. Dvijendranath Tagore was his intimate friend.

In this way, he had to accept some service for livelihood, and government service he got, and he was posted in Orissa, in the position of S.D.O. in charge of some subdivision. Sub Divisional Officer. And sometimes he also goes to the inspector of the Puri, Jagannath temple, to supervise there may not be any corruption all these things.

At that time he came in connection with Bhagavatam, when he was engaged in the service of the Jagannath temple. And he tried to read it, then he was gradually captured. Bhagavatam, and the life of Sri Chaitanya Deva, he came in connection with all these things in Puri.

The brahmanas association expected much from him, because he was of scholarly character. He could write well, argue well, but coming in contact with Bhagavatam, when he was serving in Dinajpur, he gave a speech on Bhagavatam.

There, he separated himself completely from the brahman school. He was seen to side with the Vaishnava school of thinking. And gradually he read the shastra also and wrote many books of the Vaishnava shastra.

Then after retirement, he went to Vrindavan to pass the rest of his life there he got a dream repeatedly to discover the proper birthplace of Sri Chaitanya Dev. He could not neglect that thing and again he entered the service in Krishnanagar, and there the records of the local place he used to consult. And there by the help of the records as well as by inspiration, he discovered the birthplace at Yogapith in Mayapur.

Then he visited the whole Navadwip mandala and from the old scriptures also he gave a description of the whole Dham of Mahaprabhu. And he formed a sabha, a committee, association committee, so that the seva, the puja at that place will continue.

Until #00:06:50#

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