“Going Towards Soul’s World.” Srila B. S. Goswami Maharaj. 21 March, 2018. Gupta Govardhan

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Q: “If you love without evoking love in return — if through the vital expression of yourself as a loving person you fail to become a loved person, then your love is “impotent, it is a misfortune.” — Karl Marx “Private Property and Communism. So Maharaj, could you make a bridge from communism to Vaishnavism?

— Unrequited love. — Basis of love in this world is toward animated bodies, not towards what is animating this body. — False ego. — We are judged according to our physical appearance. — Take the path of “seeing by hearing”. Subjective visualization. Going towards atma. — Love and affection: mundane — brahmanandabhakti. — Seasonal experience of happiness. — Happiness — consciousness — objective world: order and scale. — The Infinite is constituted of happiness. — Servant and slave: sounds good? — Everything is made of sweetness in the upper world. — Devotion is identified when the Infinite is coming under the control of the finite. — The Infinite can be controlled by love and affection, not by the algorithms. — Uddhava wants to become a creeper in Vrindavan, the land of Braja-gopis, who own Krishna. — “I don't have enough to give you. And I'm the Infinite.” Let the virtue be its own reward. — The payback from Krishna comes as Mahaprabhu. — Guru-rupa of Krishna is Gauranga who spreads the glories of Srimati Radharani. He is the hidden avatar who comes not as God, but as the supreme devotee. 

←  «Самоанализ». Шрипад Б. Л. Акинчан Махарадж. 14 апреля 2005 года. Навадвипа Дхама, Индия | “Soul-searching.” Sripad B. L. Akinchan Maharaj. April 14, 2005. Navadwip Dham, India ·• Архив новостей •· «Учение о связи звука и смысла». Шрила Б. Р. Шридхар Дев-Госвами Махарадж. 12 мая 1982 года. Навадвипа Дхама, Индия  →

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Q: “If you love without evoking love in return — if through the vital expression of yourself as a loving person you fail to become a loved person, then your love is “impotent, it is a misfortune.” — Karl Marx “Private Property and Communism. So Maharaj, could you make a bridge from communism to Vaishnavism?

— Unrequited love. — Basis of love in this world is toward animated bodies, not towards what is animating this body. — False ego. — We are judged according to our physical appearance. — Take the path of “seeing by hearing”. Subjective visualization. Going towards atma. — Love and affection: mundane — brahmanandabhakti. — Seasonal experience of happiness. — Happiness — consciousness — objective world: order and scale. — The Infinite is constituted of happiness. — Servant and slave: sounds good? — Everything is made of sweetness in the upper world. — Devotion is identified when the Infinite is coming under the control of the finite. — The Infinite can be controlled by love and affection, not by the algorithms. — Uddhava wants to become a creeper in Vrindavan, the land of Braja-gopis, who own Krishna. — “I don't have enough to give you. And I'm the Infinite.” Let the virtue be its own reward. — The payback from Krishna comes as Mahaprabhu. — Guru-rupa of Krishna is Gauranga who spreads the glories of Srimati Radharani. He is the hidden avatar who comes not as God, but as the supreme devotee. 

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