“Books of the Guardian of Devotion.Srila B. S. Goswami Maharaj. 12 August, 2016. Gupta Govardhan

In English

—  How did the idea to compile books of Sridhar Maharaja’s lectures come to you? Did you ask for his permission or it was done as a surprise? What was your mood and were there any difficulties during the process?

—  The substance of Guru Maharaj touches the heart in a profound way. Ratha-yatra in San-Francisco. Shlokas are spiritually conscious. The accumulation of sukriti gives capacity for appreciation. Srila Prabhupad sent his disciples to Sridhar Maharaj. Heart’s sentiments after the disappearance of Guru. Krishna conception is Guru-centric. The continuing thread: the voice of Sri Guru.

—  Radharani makes Krishna sweet. Extend to others what has brought you relief. Society consciousness vs. God consciousness. No one should be separated from this life-giving nectar. How Sridhar Maharaja’s books appeared. “Search for Sri Krishna, Reality the Beautiful.” Mahaprabhu: Krishna is looking for Krishna. Siksastakam: divine lava of the Golden Volcano.

—  Swarup Damodar — Raghunath Das Goswami — Kaviraj Goswami. How Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita was written. Sridhar Maharaja’s original expressions. Shift from Krishna to Mahaprabhu and Radharani. Rupa-nuga line: Krishna wouldn’t have it any other way. Power transmission from Saraswati Thakur to Sridhar Maharaj. Krishadas Babaji Maharaj popularized songs and shlokas of Sridhar Maharaj. The capacity to appreciate is the result of faithful service. We can’t fully appreciate, but we can serve. .

←  Шлока | «Шримад-Бхагаватам», 11.3.21 || Sloka | Srimad-Bhagavatam, 11.3.21 ·• Архив новостей •· Бхакти-йога в Риге. 7 августа 2016 года  →

In English

—  How did the idea to compile books of Sridhar Maharaja’s lectures come to you? Did you ask for his permission or it was done as a surprise? What was your mood and were there any difficulties during the process?

—  The substance of Guru Maharaj touches the heart in a profound way. Ratha-yatra in San-Francisco. Shlokas are spiritually conscious. The accumulation of sukriti gives capacity for appreciation. Srila Prabhupad sent his disciples to Sridhar Maharaj. Heart’s sentiments after the disappearance of Guru. Krishna conception is Guru-centric. The continuing thread: the voice of Sri Guru.

—  Radharani makes Krishna sweet. Extend to others what has brought you relief. Society consciousness vs. God consciousness. No one should be separated from this life-giving nectar. How Sridhar Maharaja’s books appeared. “Search for Sri Krishna, Reality the Beautiful.” Mahaprabhu: Krishna is looking for Krishna. Siksastakam: divine lava of the Golden Volcano.

—  Swarup Damodar — Raghunath Das Goswami — Kaviraj Goswami. How Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita was written. Sridhar Maharaja’s original expressions. Shift from Krishna to Mahaprabhu and Radharani. Rupa-nuga line: Krishna wouldn’t have it any other way. Power transmission from Saraswati Thakur to Sridhar Maharaj. Krishadas Babaji Maharaj popularized songs and shlokas of Sridhar Maharaj. The capacity to appreciate is the result of faithful service. We can’t fully appreciate, but we can serve. .

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