“Satisfaction from Separation.” Srila B. S. Goswami Maharaj. April 11, 2016. Gupta Govardhan

In English

Q: Bhaktivinoda Thakur aspires to see Sri Gauranga as grihastha (family man), not as sannyasi. We also heard that Srila Gurudev could not tolerate images with Mahaprabhu having shaved head, like sannyasi. Our Gurus do not like to see Mahaprabhu as a sannyasi. But when we read Chaitanya Charitamrita we can think that after taking sannyasa, lila of Sri Chaitanya became even more charming. What should the preferences of our Gurus concerning this lilas mean for us?

#00:35:02# Q: You mentioned that one cannot be satisfied with union. Can one be satisfied by separation (with Krishna)?

#00:49:11# Q: You’re describing deep topics, that can go deeper and deeper. You also told that we should start with Guru Maharaj’s conceptions, which are are also very deep. And mind can never grasp all of this. We feel that we need some foundation, some firm basics, especially the newcomers. Is it the proper approach, that you just dive deep into those deep conceptions?

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In English

Q: Bhaktivinoda Thakur aspires to see Sri Gauranga as grihastha (family man), not as sannyasi. We also heard that Srila Gurudev could not tolerate images with Mahaprabhu having shaved head, like sannyasi. Our Gurus do not like to see Mahaprabhu as a sannyasi. But when we read Chaitanya Charitamrita we can think that after taking sannyasa, lila of Sri Chaitanya became even more charming. What should the preferences of our Gurus concerning this lilas mean for us?

#00:35:02# Q: You mentioned that one cannot be satisfied with union. Can one be satisfied by separation (with Krishna)?

#00:49:11# Q: You’re describing deep topics, that can go deeper and deeper. You also told that we should start with Guru Maharaj’s conceptions, which are are also very deep. And mind can never grasp all of this. We feel that we need some foundation, some firm basics, especially the newcomers. Is it the proper approach, that you just dive deep into those deep conceptions?

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