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varna the occupational divisions within society created by the Lord: the brahmans, ksatriyas, vaisyas, and sudras. These divisions are differentiated by their functions and the modes of nature predominant within them, and strictly speaking an individual should be accepted as a member of one of them according to their character, not their heredity (though in recent history this is largely misunderstood). Brahmans study and teach the scriptures, perform worship for themselves and on behalf of others, and accept and give charity. They are situated in the mode of goodness. Ksatriyas govern society, collect taxes, and engage in warfare. They also perform many of the duties of brahmans and are situated in a mixture of the modes of goodness and passion. Vaisyas engage in agriculture, animal husbandry, and commerce. They also perform the duties of brahmans and are situated in a mixture of the modes of passion and ignorance. Sudras engage in service to the other three varnas. They are situated in the modes of ignorance.

— books Sri Sri Prema-vivarta / Glossary