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Шри Чайтанья Сарасват Матх в России


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When the ground floor of the Temple was completed, the Koladwip Adhipati, the Master of Koladwip, Laksmi-Varahadev, in the form of a Salagram-sila Deity, came here gradually, by His wish. He was living like a king in a brahman’s house, from where He came here through Jajavar Maharaj and Goswami Maharaj. When He first arrived here, we did not know what type of Salagram-sila had come, but under instruction from Srila Guru Maharaj I searched the Garuda-purana to identify the name of the Salagram-sila according to His markings. From that I considered Him to be Laksmi-Varahadev. In order to double-check my conclusion, Srila Guru Maharaj wrote a letter to the brahman who had been caring for Him..

— books Golden Reflections / Earlier Days