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papa sin; inauspicious karma; actions that produce suffering. Such actions may be divided into the following categories: (1) violence, (2) cruelty, (3) duplicity, (4) madness, (5) falsity, (6) disobeying superiors, (7) covetousness, (8) selfishness, (9) impurity, (10) uncivil behaviour, and (11) destructive behaviour. The consequences of such actions are also called papa and exist in three forms: aprarabdha, inactive, prarabdha, active, and bija, seed. Inactive sin refers to sin that will take effect in future births, active sin refers to sin that will effect in this birth, and the seed form of sin refers to the desire to commit sin. Devotion can destroy all three forms of papa, as well as their root cause, avidya, ignorance, misunderstanding of the self.

— books Sri Sri Prema-vivarta / Glossary