Харе Кришна.ру
Шри Чайтанья Сарасват Матх в России


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«Conditioned souls who are averse to the Lord are mostly materialists and associate only with material things.

«They are constantly engrossed in material happiness and sadness, and have no experience of anything other than matter.

«They know nothing about spirit, and there is no place for spiritual truth in their hearts.

«They do not even know that they are spiritual beings. Like uneducated children, they always remain in ignorance.

«By some good fortune, in some birth, as a result of sukrti, faith arises in the lotus of their hearts.

«At first, in the course of their search, they hear, ‘I am a servant of Krsna’, and then they aspire to be delivered from samsara.

«Their Guru says to them, ‘Listen! My child, you should worship Krsna’, and they then become eager to worship Krsna.

«They simply hear that Krsna is spiritual and that He is the Lord, but they do not understand Krsna’s spiritual nature.

«They understand that everything they see around them belongs to the Lord.

«They then worship the Lord’s form with the Lord’s paraphernalia. At this stage, they practise ascription.

«They make a human-like form of the Lord and worship Him with fragrances, flowers, incense, and lamps.

«By understanding ascription, they consider that everything is spiritual property, and by practising ascription, they sometimes perceive spiritual reality.

«Offering actions to the Lord in this way is the practice of ascription, and through it, souls gradually develop devotional strength.

«These are the characteristics of arop-siddha devotion. Beginners perform worship in this way.

— books Sri Sri Prema-vivarta / Chapter 17. Different Practices for Different Devotees