(1) Disrespecting Sri Guru and the sadhus, who are the revealers of the Dham.

(2) Considering the Dham temporary.

(3) Harming the residents and visitors of the Dham, or judging them by their birth.

(4) Residing in the Dham and engaging in mundane activities.

(5) Earning money by, or making a business of, Deity worship on the pretext of serving the Dham.

(6) Considering the Dham equal to places of the demigods or material land.

(7) Considering that one can sin (and be absolved) because one resides in the Dham.

(8) Considering Nabadwip different from Vrndavan.

(9) Criticising the scriptures that glorify the Dham.

(10) Considering the glories of the Dham exaggerated praise or imaginary.

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