জয় জয় শ্রীচৈতন্য শচীর নন্দন ।
জয় নিত্যানন্দ প্রভু জাহ্নবাজীবন ॥১॥

jaya jaya sri-chaitanya sachira nandana
jaya nityananda prabhu jahnava-jivana [1]

jaya jaya–All glory sachira nandana–to the son of Sachi, sri-chaitanya–Sri Chaitanya! jaya–All glory jahnava-jivana–to the life of Jahnava, nityananda prabhu–Nityananda Prabhu! [1]


All glory to the son of Sachi, Sri Chaitanya! All glory to the life of Jahnava, Nityananda Prabhu!

জয় জয় সীতানাথ জয় গদাধর ।
জয় জয় শ্রীবাসাদি গৌর-পরিকর ॥২॥

jaya jaya sitanatha jaya gadadhara
jaya jaya srivasadi gaura-parikara [2]

jaya jaya–All glory sitanatha–to the Lord of Sita Devi, Advaita Acharya! jaya–All glory gadadhara–to Gadadhar Pandit! jaya jaya–All glory srivasadi gaura-parikara–to Srivas Thakur and all the Lord’s associates! [2]


All glory to the Lord of Sita Devi, Advaita Acharya! All glory to Gadadhar, Srivas, and all the Lord’s associates!

পরদিন প্রাতে প্রভু নিত্যানন্দরায় ।
শ্রীবাস শ্রীজীব লয়ে গৃহ বাহিরায় ॥৩॥

para-dina prate prabhu nityananda-raya
srivasa sri-jiva laye grha bahiraya [3]

para-dina–The next day prate–in the morning, prabhu nityananda-raya–Nityananda Prabhu bahiraya–left grha–the Temple laye–with srivasa–Srivas [and] sri-jiva–Sri Jiva. [3]


The next day in the morning, Nityananda Prabhu left the Temple with Srivas and Sri Jiva.

সঙ্গে চলে রামদাস আদি ভক্তগণ ।
যাইতে যাইতে করে গৌরসঙ্কীর্ত্তন ॥৪॥

sange chale rama-dasa adi bhakta-gana
yaite yaite kare gaura-sankirtana [4]

rama-dasa–Ramadas adi bhakta-gana–and the other devotees sange chale–accompanied [them, and] gaura-sankirtana kare–they chanted the Name of Gaura yaite yaite–as they walked. [4]


Ramadas and other devotees accompanied them, and they chanted the Name of Gaura as they walked.

অন্তর্দ্বীপ প্রান্তে প্রভু আইলা যখন ।
শ্রীগঙ্গানগর জীবে দেখায় তখন ॥৫॥

antardvipa prante prabhu aila yakhana
sri-ganga-nagara jive dekhaya takhana [5]

yakhana–When prabhu–the Lord aila–came prante–to the boundary antardvipa–of Antardwip, takhana–then dekhaya–He showed sri-ganga-nagara–Sri Ganga Nagar jive–to Jiva. [5]


When the Lord came to the boundary of Antardwip, He showed Sri Ganga Nagar to Jiva.

প্রভু বলে, «শুন জীব এ গঙ্গানগর ।
স্থাপিলেন ভগীরথ রঘু-বংশধর ॥৬॥

prabhu bale, «suna jiva e ganga-nagara
sthapilena bhagiratha raghu-vamsa-dhara [6]

prabhu–The Lord bale–said, «suna–«Listen jiva–Jiva, e–this [is] ganga-nagara–Ganga Nagar. bhagiratha–Maharaj Bhagirath, raghu-vamsa-dhara–a forefather of Lord Ramachandra, sthapilena–established [it]. [6]


Nityananda Prabhu said, «Listen Jiva, this is Ganga Nagar. It was established by Maharaj Bhagirath, a forefather of Lord Ramachandra.

যবে গঙ্গা ভাগীরথী আইল চলিয়া ।
ভগীরথ যায় আগে শঙ্খ বাজাইয়া ॥৭॥

yabe ganga bhagirathi aila chaliya
bhagiratha yaya age sankha bajaiya [7]

yabe–When ganga–the Ganga, bhagirathi–the Bhagirathi (Ganga is known as Bhagirathi because she was brought to the earth by Maharaj Bhagirath to deliver his ancestors from their offence to Kapila Muni), chaliya aila–came [here,] bhagiratha–Maharaj Bhagirath yaya–went age–ahead [of her] bajaiya–blowing sankha–a conch. [7]


«When the Ganga, who is also known as Bhagirathi, came here, Maharaj Bhagirath went ahead of her blowing a conch.

নবদ্বীপধামে আসি’ গঙ্গা হয় স্থির ।
ভগীরথ দেখে গঙ্গা না হয় বাহির ॥৮॥

navadvipa-dhame asi’ ganga haya sthira
bhagiratha dekhe ganga na haya bahira [8]

asi’–Arriving navadvipa-dhame–in Nabadwip Dham, ganga–the Ganga sthira haya–stopped, [and] bhagiratha–Maharaj Bhagirath dekhe–saw [that] ganga–the Ganga bahira haya na–would not leave. [8]


«Arriving in Nabadwip Dham, the Ganga stopped, and Maharaj Bhagirath saw that she would not proceed.

ভয়েতে বিহ্বল হয়ে রাজা ভগীরথ ।
গঙ্গার নিকটে আইল ফিরি’ কত পথ ॥৯॥

bhayete vihvala haye raja bhagiratha
gangara nikate aila phiri’ kata patha [9]

haye–Becoming vihvala–overwhelmed bhayete–with fear (that his ancestors would not be delivered), raja bhagiratha–Maharaj Bhagirath phiri’ kata patha–retraced [his] course [and] aila–came gangara nikate–before the Ganga. [9]


«Overwhelmed with fear, Maharaj Bhagirath retraced his course and came before the Ganga.

গঙ্গানগরেতে বসি’ তপ আরম্ভিল ।
তপে তুষ্ট হয়ে গঙ্গা সাক্ষাৎ হইল ॥১০॥

ganga-nagarete vasi’ tapa arambhila
tape tusta haye ganga saksat ha-ila [10]

vasi’–He stayed ganga-nagarete–in Ganga Nagar [and] arambhila–started to perform tapa–austerities. tusta haye–Pleased tape–by the austerities, ganga–Ganga saksat ha-ila–appeared. [10]


«He stayed in Ganga Nagar and began to perform austerities. Pleased by them, Ganga personally appeared before him.

ভগীরথ বলে, ‘মাতা তুমি নাহি গেলে ।
পিতৃলোক উদ্ধার না হবে কোন কালে’ ॥১১॥

bhagiratha bale, ’mata tumi nahi gele
pitrloka uddhara na habe kona kale’ [11]

bhagiratha–Maharaj Bhagirath bale–said, ‘mata–‘O Mother, tumi nahi gele–if you do not go forward, [my] pitrloka–ancestors kona kale uddhara habe na’–will never be delivered.’ [11]


«Maharaj Bhagirath said, ‘O Mother, if you do not continue, my ancestors will never be delivered.’

গঙ্গা বলে, ‘শুন বাছা ভগীরথ বীর ।
কিছু দিন তুমি হেথা হয়ে থাক স্থির ॥১২॥

ganga bale, ‘suna vachha bhagiratha vira
kichhu dina tumi hetha haye thaka sthira [12]

ganga–Ganga bale–said, ‘suna–‘Listen, [my] vachha–child, vira bhagiratha–O heroic Bhagirath! sthira haye–Peacefully tumi thaka–stay hetha–here kichhu dina–for some time. [12]


«Ganga said, ‘Listen, my child, O heroic Bhagirath! Peacefully stay here for some time.

মাঘমাসে আসিয়াছি নবদ্বীপধামে ।
ফাল্গুনের শেষে যাব তব পিতৃকামে ॥১৩॥

magha-mase asiyachhi navadvipa-dhame
phalgunera sese yaba tava pitr-kame [13]

asiyachhi–We have come navadvipa-dhame–to Nabadwip Dham magha-mase–in the month of Magh (January–February). sese–At the end phalgunera–of Phalgun (February–March), yaba–I will go tava pitr-kame–to attend to your ancestors. [13]


«‘We have come to Nabadwip Dham in the month of Magh. At the end of Phalgun, I will deliver your ancestors.

যাঁহার চরণজল আমি ভগীরথ ।
তাঁর নিজধামে মোর পুরে মনোরথ ॥১৪॥

ya̐hara charana-jala ami bhagiratha
ta̐ra nija-dhame mora pure manoratha [14]

bhagiratha–O Bhagirath, pure–I will fulfil mora–my manoratha–desires nija-dhame–in the abode ta̐ra ya̐hara–of He whose charana-jala–foot-water ami–I [am]. [14]


«‘O Bhagirath, I am the water that washes the feet of the Lord. Here in His abode, I will first fulfil my own desires.

ফাল্গুন-পূর্ণিমা-তিথি প্রভু-জন্মদিন ।
সেই দিন মম ব্রত আছে সমীচীন ॥১৫॥

phalguna-purnima-tithi prabhu-janma-dina
sei dina mama vrata achhe samichina [15]

purnima–tithi–The full moon day phalguna–in Phalgun (February–March) [is] prabhu-janma-dina–the birthday of the Lord, [and] mama vrata achhe samichina–I should perform a rite sei dina–on that day. [15]


«‘The full moon day in Phalgun is the birthday of the Lord, and I should perform a rite on that day.

সেই ব্রত উদ্যাপন করিয়া নিশ্চয় ।
চলিব তোমার সঙ্গে না করিহ ভয়’ ॥১৬॥

sei vrata udyapana kariya nischaya
chaliba tomara sange na kariha bhaya’ [16]

udyapana kariya–I will complete sei vrata–this rite, [and then] nischaya–certainly chaliba–I will go tomara sange–with you. bhaya kariha na’–Do not be afraid.’ [16]


«‘I will complete this rite, and then certainly I will go with you. Do not be afraid.’

এ গঙ্গানগরে রাজা রঘু-কুলপতি ।
ফাল্গুন-পূর্ণিমা-দিনে করিল বসতি ॥১৭॥

e ganga-nagare raja raghu-kula-pati
phalguna-purnima-dine karila vasati [17]

raja–The king raghu-kula-pati–of the Raghu dynasty (Maharaj Bhagirath) vasati karila–resided e ganga-nagare–in Ganga Nagar purnima-dine–until the full moon day phalguna–in Phalgun. [17]


«Maharaj Bhagirath resided in Ganga Nagar until the full moon day in Phalgun.

যেই জন শ্রীফাল্গুন-পূর্ণিমা-দিবসে ।
গঙ্গাস্নান করি’ গঙ্গানগরেতে বসে ॥১৮॥

শ্রীগৌরাঙ্গ পূজা করে উপবাস করি’ ।
পূর্ব্বপুরুষের সহ সেই যায় তরি’ ॥১৯॥

yei jana sri-phalguna-purnima-divase
ganga-snana kari’ ganga-nagarete vase [18]

sri-gauranga puja kare upavasa kari’
purva-purusera saha sei yaya tari’ [19]

yei sei jana–Anyone who vase–stays ganga-nagarete–in Ganga Nagar purnima-divase–on the full moon day sri-phalguna–in Phalgun, ganga-snana kari’–bathes in the Ganga, upavasa kari’–fasts, [and] puja kare–worships sri-gauranga–Sri Gauranga tari’ yaya–crosses over [material existence] saha–with [their] purva-purusera–ancestors. [18–19]


«Anyone who stays in Ganga Nagar on the full moon day in Phalgun, bathes in the Ganga, fasts, and worships Sri Gauranga crosses over material existence, as do their ancestors.

সহস্র পুরুষ পূর্ব্বগণ সঙ্গে করি’ ।
শ্রীগোলোক প্রাপ্ত হয় যথা তথা মরি’ ॥ ২০॥

sahasra purusa purva-gana sange kari’
sri-goloka prapta haya yatha tatha mari’ [20]

prapta haya–They attain sri-goloka–Sri Goloka sange kari’–along with sahasra–one thousand purusa purva-gana–of their ancestors, yatha tatha–regardless of how or where mari’–they died. [20]


«Along with one thousand of their ancestors, they attain Sri Goloka, regardless of how or where they died.

ওহে জীব এ স্থানের মাহাত্ম্য অপার ।
শ্রীচৈতন্য নৃত্য যথা কৈল কতবার ॥২১॥

ohe jiva e sthanera mahatmya apara
sri-chaitanya nrtya yatha kaila kata-bara [21]

ohe–O jiva–Jiva, mahatmya–the glories e sthanera–of this place [are] apara–unlimited. sri-chaitanya–Sri Chaitanya nrtya kaila–danced yatha–here kata-bara–many times. [21]


«O Jiva, the glories of this place are unlimited. Sri Chaitanya danced here many times.

গঙ্গাদাসগৃহে আর সঞ্জয়-আলয় ।
ঐ দেখ দৃষ্ট হয় সদা সুখময় ॥২২॥

ganga-dasa-grhe ara sanjaya-alaya
ai dekha drsta haya sada sukhamaya [22]

dekha–See ai–there ganga-dasa-grhe–the home of Ganga Das Pandit ara–and sanjaya-alaya–the home of Sanjay Das, [which] haya–are sada–always drsta–seen [to be] sukhamaya–filled with joy. [22]


«See there the homes of Ganga Das Pandit and Sanjay Das, which are always filled with joy.

ইহার পূর্ব্বেতে যেই দীর্ঘিকা সুন্দর ।
তাহার মাহাত্ম্য শুন ওহে বিজ্ঞবর ॥২৩॥

ihara purvete yei dirghika sundara
tahara mahatmya suna ohe vijna-vara [23]

ohe–O vijna-vara–best of the wise, suna–hear [now] mahatmya–about the glories yei tahara–of the sundara–beautiful dirghika–lake ihara purvete–to their east. [23]


«O best of the wise, hear now about the glories of the beautiful lake to the east.

বল্লালদীর্ঘিকা নাম হয়েছে এখন ।
সত্যযুগে ছিল এর কত বিবরণ ॥২৪॥

ballala-dirghika nama hayechhe ekhana
satya-yuge chhila era kata vivarana [24]

ekhana hayechhe–It has now become nama–known as ballala-dirghika–Ballal Dirghika, [but] era chhila kata vivarana–it was described in many other ways satya-yuge–during Satya-yuga. [24]


«It has now become known as Ballal Dirghika, but it was described in many other ways during Satya-yuga.

পৃথু নামে মহারাজা উচ্চ নীচ স্থান ।
কাটিয়া পৃথিবী যবে করিল সমান ॥২৫॥

সেই কালে এই স্থান সমান করিতে ।
মহাজ্যোতির্ম্ময় প্রভা উঠে চতুর্ভিতে ॥২৬॥

prthu name maharaja uchcha nicha sthana
katiya prthivi yabe karila samana [25]

sei kale ei sthana samana karite
mahajyotirmaya prabha uthe chaturbhite [26]

yabe sei kale–When maharaja–a king name–named prthu–Prthu katiya–was cutting [and] samana karila–levelling [the] uchcha–high [and] nicha–low sthana–places prthivi–on the earth, [he came] samana karite–to level ei–this sthana–place, [and an] mahajyotirmaya–extremely bright prabha–light uthe–arose chaturbhite–in the four directions. [25–26]


«When Maharaj Prthu was cutting and levelling all the high and low places on the earth, he came to level this place, and an extremely bright light appeared in all directions.

কর্ম্মচারিগণ মহারাজারে জানায় ।
রাজা আসি’ জ্যোতিঃপুঞ্জ দেখিবারে পায় ॥২৭॥

karmachari-gana maharajare janaya
raja asi’ jyotih-punja dekhibare paya [27]

karmachari-gana–The workmen janaya–informed maharajare–the king, [and] raja–Maharaj Prthu asi’–came [and] dekhibare paya–saw jyotih-punja–the light. [27]


«The workmen informed the king, and Maharaj Prthu came and saw the light.

শক্ত্যাবেশ-অবতার পৃথুমহাশয় ।
ধ্যানেতে জানিল স্থান নবদ্বীপ হয় ॥২৮॥

saktyavesa-avatara prthu-mahasaya
dhyanete janila sthana navadvipa haya [28]

prthu-mahasaya–Maharaj Prthu, saktyavesa-avatara–a soul empowered to act as the Lord Himself, janila–understood dhyanete–through meditation [that] sthana–this place haya–was navadvipa–Nabadwip. [28]


«Maharaj Prthu, a Saktyaves-avatar, through meditation understood this place to be Nabadwip.

স্থানের মাহাত্ম্য গুপ্ত রাখিবার তরে ।
আজ্ঞা দিল, ‘কর কুণ্ড স্থান মনোহরে’ ॥২৯॥

sthanera mahatmya gupta rakhibara tare
ajna dila, ‘kara kunda sthana manohare’ [29]

rakhibara tare–To keep mahatmya–the glories sthanera–of this place gupta–hidden, ajna dila–he ordered, ‘kara–Make sthana–this place manohare kunda’–into a beautiful lake.’ [29]


«To keep the glories of this place hidden, he ordered, ‘Make a beautiful lake here.’

যে কুণ্ড করিল তাহা পৃথুকুণ্ড নামে ।
বিখ্যাত হইল সর্ব্বনবদ্বীপধামে ॥৩০॥

ye kunda karila taha prthu-kunda name
vikhyata ha-ila sarva-navadvipa-dhame [30]

ye kunda–The lake taha–that karila–he made, name–known as prthu-kunda–Prthu Kunda, vikhyata ha-ila–became famous sarva–navadvipa-dhame–all over Nabadwip Dham. [30]


«The lake he made, known as Prthu Kunda, became famous all over Nabadwip Dham.

স্বচ্ছ জল পান করি’ গ্রামবাসিগণে ।
কত সুখ পাইল তাহা কহিব কেমনে ॥৩১॥

svachchha jala pana kari’ grama-vasi-gane
kata sukha paila taha kahiba kemane [31]

kemane–How kahiba–will I describe taha kata–how much sukha–joy grama-vasi-gane–the villagers paila–felt pana kari’–by drinking svachchha jala–the pure water [in the lake]? [31]


«How can I describe how much joy the villagers felt when they drank the pure water of this lake?

পরে সেই স্থানে শ্রীলক্ষ্মণ সেন ধীর ।
দীর্ঘিকা খনন কৈল বড়ই গভীর ॥৩২॥

pare sei sthane sri-laksmana sena dhira
dirghika khanana kaila bada-i gabhira [32]

pare–Later, dhira sri-laksmana sena–wise Sri Laksman Sen khanana kaila–excavated dirghika–the lake sei sthane–in that place, [making it] bada-i–extremely large [and] gabhira–deep. [32]


«Later, King Laksman Sen excavated, deepened, and enlarged the lake.

নিজ পিতৃলোকের উদ্ধার করি’ আশ ।
বল্লালদীর্ঘিকা নাম করিল প্রকাশ ॥৩৩॥

nija pitrlokera uddhara kari’ asa
ballala-dirghika nama karila prakasa [33]

asa kari’–Desiring uddhara–to deliver nija–his pitrlokera–ancestors, nama prakasa karila–he named [the lake] ballala-dirghika–Ballal Dirghika. [33]


«Desiring to deliver his ancestors, he named the lake Ballal Dirghika (after his father, Ballal Sen).

ঐ দেখ উচ্চটিলা দেখিতে সুন্দর ।
লক্ষ্মণসেনের গৃহ ভগ্ন অতঃপর ॥৩৪॥

ai dekha uchcha-tila dekhite sundara
laksmana-senera grha bhagna atahpara [34]

dekha–See ai–there uchcha-tila–the large hill [that is] sundara–beautiful dekhite–to behold. [There stood] grha–the house laksmana-senera–of Laksman Sen. atahpara–Since then, [it has fallen into] bhagna–ruin. [34]


«See there that large beautiful hill. There stood the house of Laksman Sen. It has since fallen into ruin.

এ সকল অলঙ্কার মহাতীর্থ স্থানে ।
রাজগণ করে সদা পুণ্য উপার্জ্জনে ॥৩৫॥

e sakala alankara mahatirtha sthane
raja-gana kare sada punya uparjane [35]

raja-gana–Kings kare–made e sakala–all these alankara–ornaments (lakes, buildings, etc.) mahatirtha sthane–at this extremely holy place sada uparjane–to continuously accrue punya–good fortune. [35]


«Various kings made all these ornaments at this holy place so that they would continuously accrue good fortune.

পরেতে যবনরাজ দুষিল এস্থান ।
অতএব ভক্তগণ না করে সম্মান ॥৩৬॥

parete yavana-raja dusila e-sthana
ataeva bhakta-gana na kare sammana [36]

parete–Later, yavana-raja–an uncivilised king dusila–desecrated e-sthana–this place. ataeva–Thus, bhakta-gana–devotees sammana kare na–do not worship [it]. [36]


«Later, an uncivilised king desecrated this place, and thus devotees do not worship it.

ভূমি মাত্র সুপবিত্র এই স্থানে হয় ।
যবন-সংসর্গভয়ে বাস না করয় ॥৩৭॥

bhumi matra supavitra ei sthane haya
yavana-samsarga-bhaye vasa na karaya [37]

matra–Only bhumi–the land ei sthane–in this place haya–is supavitra–pure, [and] yavana-samsarga-bhaye–out of fear of interaction with uncivilised people, [devotees] vasa karaya na–do not reside here. [37]


«The land in this place is pure, but fearing interaction with the uncivilised people, devotees do not reside here.

এ স্থানে হইল শ্রীমূর্ত্তির অপমান ।
অতএব ভক্তবৃন্দ ছাড়ে এই স্থান» ॥৩৮॥

e sthane ha-ila sri-murtira apamana
ataeva bhakta-vrnda chhade ei sthana» [38]

apamana–Offences sri-murtira–against Deities ha-ila–happened e sthane–in this place, [and] ataeva–thus bhakta-vrnda–devotees chhade–left ei–this sthana»–place.» [38]


«Offences were made against Deities in this place, and thus devotees left.»

এত বলি’ নিত্যানন্দ গর্জ্জিতে গর্জ্জিতে ।
আইলেন সিমুলিয়া গ্রাম সন্নিহিতে ॥৩৯॥

eta bali’ nityananda garjite garjite
ailena simuliya grama sannihite [39]

bali’–Saying eta–this, nityananda–Nityananda garjite garjite–roared. [Then] ailena–He came sannihite–to simuliya grama–the village of Simuliya. [39]


Saying this, Nityananda roared. He then came to Simuliya Gram.

সিমুলিয়া দেখি’ প্রভু জীব প্রতি কয় ।
«এই ত সীমন্তদ্বীপ জানিহ নিশ্চয় ॥৪০॥

simuliya dekhi’ prabhu jiva prati kaya
«ei ta simantadvipa janiha nischaya [40]

dekhi’–Seeing simuliya–Simuliya, prabhu–the Lord kaya–said prati–to jiva–Jiva, «janiha–«Know nischaya–for certain [that] ei ta–this [is] simantadvipa–Simantadwip. [40]


Seeing Simuliya, Nityananda Prabhu said to Jiva, «Know for certain that this is Simantadwip.

গঙ্গার দক্ষিণ তীরে নবদ্বীপ প্রান্তে ।
সীমন্ত নামেতে দ্বীপ বলে সব শান্তে ॥৪১॥

gangara daksina tire navadvipa prante
simanta namete dvipa bale saba sante [41]

saba sante–The sadhus bale–call dvipa–the island prante–on the border navadvipa–of Nabadwip [and] daksina tire–the southern bank gangara–of the Ganga namete–by the name simanta–‘Simanta’. [41]


«The sadhus call the island on the border of Nabadwip and the southern bank of the Ganga ‘Simanta’.

কালে এই দ্বীপ গঙ্গা গ্রাসিবে সকল ।
রহিবে কেবল এক স্থান সুনির্ম্মল ॥৪২॥

kale ei dvipa ganga grasibe sakala
rahibe kevala eka sthana sunirmala [42]

kale–In time, ganga–the Ganga sakala grasibe–will completely cover ei–this dvipa–island [and] kevala–only eka–one sunirmala–pure sthana–place rahibe–will remain. [42]


«In time, the Ganga will completely cover this island, and only one pure place will remain.

যথায় সিমুলী নামে পার্ব্বতী পূজন ।
করিবে বিষয়ী লোক করহ শ্রবণ ॥৪৩॥

yathaya simuli name parvati pujana
karibe visayi loka karaha sravana [43]

sravana karaha–Hear [now about how] visayi loka–materialistic people pujana karibe–will worship parvati–Parvati yathaya–in that place name–named simuli–Simuli. [43]


«Hear now about how materialistic people will worship Parvati in that place, which is known as Simuli.

কোন কালে সত্যযুগে দেব মহেশ্বর ।
‘শ্রীগৌরাঙ্গ’ বলি’ নৃত্য করিল বিস্তর ॥৪৪॥

kona kale satya-yuge deva mahesvara
‘sri-gauranga’ bali’ nrtya karila vistara [44]

kona kale–Once, satya-yuge–during Satya-yuga, deva mahesvara–the god of gods (Lord Siva) bali’–was chanting sri-gauranga–‘Sri Gauranga’ [and] nrtya vistara karila–dancing. [44]


«Once, during Satya-yuga, the god of gods, Lord Siva, was chanting the Name of Sri Gauranga and dancing.

পার্ব্বতী জিজ্ঞাসে তবে দেব মহেশ্বরে ।
‘কেবা সে গৌরাঙ্গদেব বলহ আমারে ॥৪৫॥

parvati jijnase tabe deva mahesvare
‘keba se gauranga-deva balaha amare [45]

parvati–Parvati tabe–then jijnase–asked deva mahesvare–Lord Siva, ‘keba–‘Who [is] se gauranga-deva–this golden Lord? balaha–Please tell amare–me. [45]


«Parvati asked him, ‘Who is this golden Lord? Please tell me.

তোমার অদ্ভূত নৃত্য করি’ দরশন ।
শুনিয়া গৌরাঙ্গ-নাম গলে মোর মন ॥৪৬॥

tomara adbhuta nrtya kari’ darasana
suniya gauranga-nama gale mora mana [46]

darasana kari’–Seeing tomara–your adbhuta–wonderful nrtya–dancing [and] suniya–hearing gauranga-nama–the Name ‘Gauranga’, mora–my mana–heart gale–melts. [46]


«‘Seeing your wonderful dancing and hearing the Name ‘Gauranga’, my heart melts.

এত যে শুনেছি মন্ত্র-তন্ত্র এতকাল ।
সে সব জানিনু মাত্র জীবের জঞ্জাল ॥৪৭॥

eta ye sunechhi mantra-tantra eta-kala
se saba janinu matra jivera janjala [47]

janinu–I have understood [that] eta ye se saba–all the mantra-tantra–chants and rites sunechhi–I have heard [about] eta-kala–for so long [are] matra–simply janjala–misery jivera–for the soul. [47]


«‘I have understood that all the mantras and tantra I have heard about for so long are simply misery for the soul.

অতএব বল প্রভু গৌরাঙ্গ সন্ধান ।
ভজিয়া তাহারে আমি পাইব পরাণ’ ॥৪৮॥

ataeva bala prabhu gauranga sandhana
bhajiya tahare ami paiba parana’ [48]

ataeva–So, bala–please tell [me] sandhana–about prabhu gauranga–Lord Gauranga. bhajiya–Serving tahare–Him, ami–I paiba–will attain [new] parana’–life’. [48]


«‘So, please tell me about Lord Gauranga. Serving Him, I will attain new life.’

পার্ব্বতীর কথা শুনি’ দেব পশুপতি ।
শ্রীগৌরাঙ্গ স্মরি’ কহে পার্ব্বতীর প্রতি ॥৪৯॥

parvatira katha suni’ deva pasupati
sri-gauranga smari’ kahe parvatira prati [49]

suni’–Hearing parvatira–Parvati’s katha–words [and] smari’–remembering sri-gauranga–Sri Gauranga, pasupati deva–Lord Siva kahe–spoke prati–to parvatira–Parvati. [49]


«Hearing Parvati’s words and remembering Sri Gauranga, Lord Siva spoke to Parvati.

‘আদ্যাশক্তি তুমি হও শ্রীরাধার অংশ ।
তোমারে বলিব তত্ত্বগণ অবতংস ॥৫০॥

‘adya-sakti tumi hao sri-radhara amsa
tomare baliba tattva-gana avatamsa [50]

‘tumi–‘You hao–are adya-sakti–the primordial energy [and] amsa–an expansion sri-radhara–of Sri Radha. baliba–I will tell tomare–you tattva-gana avatamsa–the crown jewel of truths. [50]


«‘You are the primordial energy and an expansion of Sri Radha. I will tell you the crown jewel of truths.

রাধাভাব লয়ে কৃষ্ণ কলিতে এবার ।
মায়াপুরে শচীগর্ভে হবে অবতার ॥৫১॥

radha-bhava laye krsna kalite e-bara
mayapure sachi-garbhe habe avatara [51]

e-bara–This time, kalite–during Kali-yuga, krsna–Krsna laye–will take radha-bhava–the heart of Radha [and] avatara habe–appear mayapure–in Mayapur sachi-garbhe–in the womb of Sachi Devi. [51]


«‘This time, during Kali-yuga, Krsna will take the heart of Radha and appear in Mayapur in the womb of Sachi Devi.

কীর্ত্তন-রঙ্গেতে মাতি’ প্রভু গোরামণি ।
বিতরিবে প্রেমরত্ন পাত্র নাহি গণি’ ॥৫২॥

kirtana-rangete mati’ prabhu goramani
vitaribe prema-ratna patra nahi gani’ [52]

mati’–Maddened rangete–by [His] Pastimes kirtana–of kirtan, prabhu–Lord goramani–Goramani (the golden jewel) vitaribe–will distribute prema-ratna–the jewel of divine love gani’ nahi–without judging [its] patra–recipients. [52]


«‘Maddened by His Pastimes of kirtan, Lord Goramani will distribute the jewel of divine love without judging its recipients.

এই প্রেমবন্যা-জলে যে জীব না ভাসে ।
ধিক্ তার ভাগ্যে দেবি জীবন বিলাসে ॥৫৩॥

ei prema-vanya-jale ye jiva na bhase
dhik tara bhagye devi jivana vilase [53]

devi–O goddess, dhik–shame jivana vilase bhagye–on the life, enjoyment, and fortune ye tara jiva–of the souls who bhase na–do not float jale–in the waters ei prema-vanya–of this flood of divine love! [53]


«‘O goddess, shame on the life, enjoyment, and fortune of the souls who do not float in the waters of this flood of divine love!

প্রভুর প্রতিজ্ঞা স্মরি’ প্রেমে যাই ভাসি’ ।
ধৈরয না ধরে মন ছাড়িলাম কাশী ॥৫৪॥

prabhura pratijna smari’ preme yai bhasi’
dhairaya na dhare mana chhadilama kasi [54]

smari’–Remembering pratijna–the promise prabhura–of the Lord, bhasi’ yai–I float preme–in divine love. mana–[My] heart dhare na–does not maintain [its] dhairaya–composure, [and thus] chhadilama–I have left kasi–Kasi. [54]


«‘Remembering the promise of the Lord, I float in divine love. My heart has lost its composure, and thus I have left Kasi.

মায়াপুর অন্তর্ভাগে জাহ্নবীর তীরে ।
গৌরাঙ্গ ভজিব আমি রহিয়া কুটীরে’ ॥৫৫॥

mayapura antarbhage jahnavira tire
gauranga bhajiba ami rahiya kutire’ [55]

ami–I rahiya–will stay kutire–in a hut tire–on the bank jahnavira–of the Ganga mayapura antarbhage–in Mayapur [and] bhajiba–worship gauranga’–Gauranga.’ [55]


«‘I will stay in a hut on the bank of the Ganga in Mayapur and worship Gauranga.’

ধূর্জ্জটির বাক্য শুনি’ পার্ব্বতী সুন্দরী ।
আইলেন সীমন্তদ্বীপেতে ত্বরা করি’ ॥৫৬॥

dhurjatira vakya suni’ parvati sundari
ailena simantadvipete tvara kari’ [56]

suni’–Hearing dhurjatira–Siva’s vakya–words, sundari–beautiful parvati–Parvati tvara kari’–quickly ailena–came simantadvipete–to Simantadwip. [56]


«Hearing Siva’s words, beautiful Parvati quickly came to Simantadwip.

শ্রীগৌরাঙ্গরূপ সদা করেন চিন্তন ।
‘গৌর’ বলি’ প্রেমে ভাসে স্থির নহে মন ॥৫৭॥

sri-gauranga-rupa sada karena chintana
‘gaura’ bali’ preme bhase sthira nahe mana [57]

sada chintana karena–She constantly meditated sri-gauranga-rupa–on the form of Sri Gauranga. bali’–Chanting, ‘gaura’–‘Gaura’ bhase–she floated preme–in divine love, [and her] mana–heart sthira nahe–became unsteady. [57]


«She constantly meditated on the form of Sri Gauranga. Chanting Gaura’s Name she floated in divine love, and her heart became unsteady.

কতদিনে গৌরচন্দ্র কৃপা বিতরিয়া ।
পার্ব্বতীরে দেখা দিলা সগণে আসিয়া ॥৫৮॥

kata-dine gaurachandra krpa vitariya
parvatire dekha dila sagane asiya [58]

kata-dine–Eventually, gaurachandra–Gaurachandra krpa vitariya–bestowed [His] mercy; asiya–He came sagane–with [His] associates [and] dekha dila–appeared parvatire–to Parvati. [58]


«Eventually, Gaurachandra bestowed His mercy; He came with His associates and appeared to Parvati.

সুতপ্ত কাঞ্চনবর্ণ দীর্ঘ কলেবর ।
মাথায় চাঁচর কেশ সর্ব্বাঙ্গ সুন্দর ॥৫৯॥

sutapta kanchana-varna dirgha kalevara
mathaya cha̐chara kesa sarvanga sundara [59]

[His] dirgha–long kalevara–form [was] sutapta kanchana-varna–the colour of molten gold. sarvanga–All [His] limbs [and] cha̐chara kesa–the wavy hair mathaya–on [His] head [were] sundara–beautiful. [59]


«His long form was the colour of molten gold, and His limbs and the wavy hair on His head appeared very beautiful.

ত্রিকচ্ছ করিয়া বস্ত্র তার পরিধান ।
গলে দোলে ফুলমালা অপূর্ব্ব বিধান ॥৬০॥

trikachchha kariya vastra tara paridhana
gale dole phula-mala apurva vidhana [60]

tara paridhana vastra–He wore cloth trikachchha kariya–tucked three times, [and] apurva vidhana phula-mala–a wonderful flower garland dole–swung gale–on [His] neck. [60]


«He wore a dhoti tucked in three places, and a wonderful flower garland swung on His neck.

প্রেমে গদগদ বাক্য কহে গৌররায় ।
‘বলগো পার্ব্বতী! কেন আইলে হেথায়’ ॥৬১॥

preme gadagada vakya kahe gaura-raya
‘balago parvati! kena aile hethaya’ [61]

[His] vakya–voice gadagada–faltering preme–in divine love, gaura-raya–Gaura Ray kahe–said, ‘balago–‘O parvati!–Parvati! kena–Why aile–have you come hethaya’–here?’ [61]


«Stammering in divine love, Gaura Ray said, ‘O Parvati! Why have you come here?’

জগতের প্রভু-পদে পড়িয়া পার্ব্বতী ।
জানায় আপন দুঃখ স্থির নহে মতি ॥৬২॥

jagatera prabhu-pade padiya parvati
janaya apana duhkha sthira nahe mati [62]

parvati–Parvati padiya–bowed prabhu-pade–at the feet of the Lord jagatera–of the universe, [and] mati sthira nahe–with an unsteady mind, janaya–explained apana–her duhkha–sadness. [62]


«Parvati bowed at the feet of the Lord of the universe, and with an unsteady mind, explained her sadness.

‘ওহে প্রভু জগন্নাথ জগত-জীবন ।
সকলের দয়াময় মোর বিড়ম্বন ॥৬৩॥

‘ohe prabhu jagannatha jagata-jivana
sakalera dayamaya mora vidambana [63]

‘ohe–‘O prabhu–Master! jagannatha–O Lord of the universe! jagata-jivana–O Life of the universe! [You are] dayamaya–merciful sakalera–to everyone, [but] vidambana–cruel mora–to me. [63]


«‘O Master! O Lord and Life of the universe! You are merciful to everyone, but cruel to me.

তব বহির্ম্মুখ জীব বন্ধন কারণ ।
নিযুক্ত করিলা মোরে পতিতপাবন ॥৬৪॥

tava bahirmukha jive bandhana karana
niyukta karila more patita-pavana [64]

patita-pavana–O Saviour of the fallen, niyukta karila–You have engaged more–me bandhana karana–in imprisoning jive–the souls [who are] tava bahirmukha–averse to You. [64]


«‘O Saviour of the fallen, You have engaged me in imprisoning the souls who are averse to You.

আমি থাকি সেই কাজে সংসার পাতিয়া ।
তোমার অনন্ত প্রেমে বঞ্চিত হইয়া ॥৬৫॥

ami thaki sei kaje samsara patiya
tomara ananta preme vanchita ha-iya [65]

ami–I sei kaje thaki–perform this duty [and] patiya–manage samsara–the material world, [but] vanchita ha-iya–I am deprived tomara ananta preme–of Your infinite divine love. [65]


«‘I perform this duty and manage the material world, but I am deprived of Your infinite divine love.

লোকে বলে যথা কৃষ্ণ মায়া নাহি তথা ।
আমি তবে বহির্ম্মুখ হইনু সর্ব্বথা ॥৬৬॥

loke bale yatha krsna maya nahi tatha
ami tabe bahirmukha ha-inu sarvatha [66]

loke–People bale–say [that] maya–Maya [is] nahi–not present yatha tatha–wherever krsna–Krsna [is present]. tabe–Thus, ami–I ha-inu–have become sarvatha–completely bahirmukha–estranged [from You]. [66]


«‘People say that Maya is absent wherever Krsna is present. Thus, I have become completely estranged from You.

কেমনে দেখিব প্রভু তোমার বিলাস ।
তুমি না করিলে পথ হইনু নিরাশ’ ॥৬৭॥

kemane dekhiba prabhu tomara vilasa
tumi na karile patha ha-inu nirasa’ [67]

prabhu–O Lord, kemane–how dekhiba–will I see tomara–Your vilasa–Pastimes? tumi patha na karile–If You do not make a way [for me], ha-inu–I will be nirasa’–hopeless.’ [67]


«‘O Lord, how will I see Your Pastimes? If You do not make a way for me, I will be hopeless.’

এত বলি’ শ্রীপার্ব্বতী গৌরপদধূলি ।
সীমন্তে লইল সতী করিয়া আকুলি ॥৬৮॥

eta bali’ sri-parvati gaura-pada-dhuli
simante la-ila sati kariya akuli [68]

bali’–Saying eta–this, sati sri-parvati–chaste Parvati Devi akuli kariya–desperately la-ila–rubbed gaura-pada-dhuli–Gaura’s foot-dust simante–into [her] parting. [68]


«Saying this, chaste Parvati Devi desperately rubbed Gaura’s foot-dust into the parting in her hair.

সেই হৈতে শ্রীসীমন্তদ্বীপ নাম হৈল ।
সিমুলিয়া বলি’ অজ্ঞজনেতে কহিল ॥৬৯॥

sei haite sri-simantadvipa nama haila
simuliya bali’ ajna-janete kahila [69]

sei haite–Since then, [this place] nama haila–has been known [as] sri-simantadvipa–Sri Simantadwip, [though] ajna-janete–the ignorant bali’ kahila–call [it] simuliya–Simuliya. [69]


«Since then, this place has been known as Simantadwip, though the ignorant call it Simuliya.

শ্রীগৌরাঙ্গচন্দ্র তবে প্রসন্ন হইয়া ।
বলিল, «পার্ব্বতী শুন কথা মন দিয়া ॥৭০॥

sri-gauranga-chandra tabe prasanna ha-iya
balila, «parvati suna katha mana diya [70]

sri-gauranga-chandra–Moon-like Sri Gauranga tabe prasanna ha-iya–was then pleased [and] balila–said, ‘parvati–‘O Parvati, suna–listen katha–to [My] words mana diya–attentively. [70]


«Moon-like Sri Gauranga was pleased and said, ‘O Parvati, listen to My words attentively.

তুমি মোর ভিন্ন নও শক্তি সর্ব্বেশ্বরী ।
এক শক্তি দুই রূপ মম সহচরী ॥৭১॥

tumi mora bhinna nao sakti sarvesvari
eka sakti dui rupa mama sahachari [71]

tumi–You nao–are not bhinna–separate mora–from Me. [You are My] sakti–energy [and] sarvesvari–the goddess of all. mama–My sahachari–consort, [My] eka–one sakti–energy, [has] dui–two rupa–forms. [71]


«‘You are not separate from Me. You are My energy and the goddess of all. My consort, My singular energy, has two forms.

স্বরূপশক্তিতে তুমি রাধিকা আমার ।
বহিরঙ্গা-রূপে রাধা তোমাতে বিস্তার ॥৭২॥

svarupa-saktite tumi radhika amara
bahiranga-rupe radha tomate vistara [72]

amara svarupa-saktite–As {My] personal energy, tumi–you [are] radhika–Radhika. bahiranga-rupe–As [My] external energy, radha–Radha vistara–expands tomate–as you. [72]


«‘As My personal energy, you are Radhika. As My external energy, Radha expands as you.

তুমি নৈলে মোর লীলা সিদ্ধ নাহি হয় ।
তুমি যোগমায়ারূপে লীলাতে নিশ্চয় ॥৭৩॥

tumi naile mora lila siddha nahi haya
tumi yogamaya-rupe lilate nischaya [73]

tumi naile–Without you, mora–My lila–Pastimes haya nahi–are not siddha–complete. yogamaya-rupe–As Yogamaya, tumi–you [are] nischaya–certainly [involved] lilate–in [My] Pastimes. [73]


«‘Without you, My Pastimes are not complete. As Yogamaya, you are certainly involved in My Pastimes.

ব্রজে তুমি পৌর্ণমাসীরূপে নিত্য কাল ।
নবদ্বীপে পৌঢ়ামায়া সহ ক্ষেত্রপাল’ ॥৭৪॥

vraje tumi paurnamasi-rupe nitya kala
navadvipe praudha-maya saha ksetra-pala’ [74]

vraje–In Vraja, tumi–you [are] nitya kala–eternally [present] paurnamasi-rupe–as Paurnamasi, [and] navadvipe–in Nabadwip, [you are present] praudha-maya–as Praudha Maya saha–with ksetra-pala’–the guardian of [My] abode (Lord Siva).’ [74]


«‘In Vraja, you are eternally present as Paurnamasi, and in Nabadwip, you are present as Praudha Maya with Lord Siva, the guardian of the Dham.’

এত বলি’ শ্রীগৌরাঙ্গ হৈল অদর্শন ।
প্রেমাবিষ্ট হয়ে রহে পার্ব্বতীর মন ॥ ৭৫॥

eta bali’ sri-gauranga haila adarsana
premavista haye rahe parvatira mana [75]

bali’–Saying eta–this, sri-gauranga–Sri Gauranga adarsana haila–disappeared, [and] parvatira–Parvati’s mana–heart rahe–became premavista haye–overwhelmed with divine love. [75]


«Saying this, Sri Gauranga disappeared, and Parvati’s heart became overwhelmed with divine love.

সিমন্তিনীদেবীরূপে রহে এক ভিতে ।
প্রৌঢ়ামায়া মায়াপুরে রহে গৌর-প্রীতে» ॥৭৬॥

simantini-devi-rupe rahe eka bhite
praudha-maya mayapure rahe gaura-prite» [76]

gaura-prite–Out of love for Gaura, rahe–Parvati remains [here] eka bhite–in one place simantini-devi-rupe–as Simantini Devi [and] rahe–remains mayapure–in Mayapur praudha-maya»–as Praudha Maya.» [76]


«Out of love for Sri Gauranga, Parvati remains here as the goddess of Simantadwip and in Mayapur as Praudha Maya.»

এত বলি’ নিত্যানন্দ কাজির নগরে ।
প্রবেশিল জীবে লয়ে তখন সত্বরে ॥৭৭॥

eta bali’ nityananda kajira nagare
pravesila jive laye takhana satvare [77]

bali’–Saying eta–this, nityananda–Nityananda takhana–then satvare–quickly pravesila–entered kajira nagare–Kazi Nagar laye–with jive–Jiva. [77]


Saying this, Nityananda quickly entered Kazi Nagar with Jiva.

প্রভু বলে, «ওহে জীব শুনহ বচন ।
কাজির নগর এই মথুরা ভুবন ॥৭৮॥

prabhu bale, «ohe jiva sunaha vachana
kajira nagara ei mathura bhuvana [78]

prabhu–The Lord bale–said, «ohe–«O jiva–Jiva, sunaha–listen vachana–to [My] words. ei kajira nagara–Kazi Nagar [is] ei mathura bhuvana–the land of Mathura. [78]


Nityananda Prabhu said, «O Jiva, listen to My words. Kazi Nagar is Mathura.

হেথা শ্রীগৌরাঙ্গ-রায় কীর্ত্তন করিয়া ।
কাজি নিস্তারিল প্রভু প্রেমরত্ন দিয়া ॥৭৯॥

hetha sri-gauranga-raya kirtana kariya
kaji nistarila prabhu prema-ratna diya [79]

hetha–Here, sri-gauranga-raya prabhu–Lord Sri Gauranga Ray kirtana kariya–performed kirtan, kaji nistarila–delivered the Kazi, [and] diya–gave [him] prema-ratna–the jewel of divine love. [79]


«Here, Sri Gauranga performed kirtan, delivered the Kazi, and gave him the jewel of divine love.

শ্রীকৃষ্ণলীলায় যেই কংস মথুরায় ।
গৌরাঙ্গলীলায় চাঁদকাজি নাম পায় ॥৮০॥

sri-krsna-lilaya yei kamsa mathuraya
gauranga-lilaya cha̐da-kaji nama paya [80]

yei–He who [was] kamsa–Kamsa sri-krsna-lilaya–during Sri Krsna’s Pastimes mathuraya–in Mathura nama paya–became known as cha̐da-kaji–Cha̐d Kazi gauranga-lilaya–during Gauranga’s Pastimes. [80]


«He who was Kamsa during Krsna’s Pastimes in Mathura became known as Cha̐d Kazi during Gauranga’s Pastimes.

এইজন্য প্রভু তারে মাতুল বলিল ।
ভয়ে কাজি গৌরপদে শরণ লইল ॥৮১॥

ei-janya prabhu tare matula balila
bhaye kaji gaura-pade sarana la-ila [81]

prabhu–The Lord ei-janya–thus balila–called tare–him matula–uncle. bhaye–Out of fear, kaji–the Kazi sarana la-ila–took shelter gaura-pade–at Gaura’s feet. [81]


«The Lord thus called the Kazi His uncle. Out of fear, the Kazi took shelter at Gauranga’s feet.

কীর্ত্তন আরম্ভে কাজি মৃদঙ্গ ভাঙ্গিল ।
হোসেন সাহার বলে উৎপাত করিল ॥৮২॥

kirtana arambhe kaji mrdanga bhangila
hosena sahara bale utpata karila [82]

kirtana arambhe–When [Sri Gauranga] began performing kirtan, kaji–the Kazi bhangila–broke mrdanga–a mrdanga (drum) [and] utpata karila–made a disturbance hosena sahara bale–on the order of Nawab Hussian Shah. [82]


«When Gauranga began performing kirtan, the Kazi broke a mrdanga and made a disturbance on the order of Nawab Hussein Shah.

হোসেনসা সে জরাসন্ধ গৌড়-রাজ্যেশ্বর ।
তাঁহার আত্মীয় কাজি প্রতাপ বিস্তর ॥৮৩॥

hosenasa se jarasandha gauda-rajyesvara
ta̐hara atmiya kaji pratapa vistara [83]

se hosenasa–Hussein Shah, gauda-rajyesvara–the emperor of Gauda, [was] jarasandha–Jarasandha. pratapa vistara–He influenced ta̐hara–his atmiya–relative kaji–the Kazi. [83]


«Hussein Shah, the emperor of Gauda at that time, was previously Jarasandha. He influenced the Kazi, who was his relative.

প্রভু তারে নৃসিংহরূপেতে দেয় ভয় ।
ভয়ে কংসসম কাজি জড়সড় হয় ॥৮৪॥

prabhu tare nrsimha-rupete deya bhaya
bhaye kamsa-sama kaji jadasada haya [84]

nrsimha-rupete–In the form of Nrsimha, prabhu–the Lord bhaya deya–frightened tare–him, [and] kamsa-sama–like Kamsa, kaji–the Kazi jadasada haya–cringed bhaye–in fear. [84]


«In the form of Nrsimha, the Lord frightened the Kazi, and like Kamsa, the Kazi cringed in fear.

তারে প্রেম দিয়া কৈল বৈষ্ণবপ্রধান ।
কাজির নিস্তার কথা শুনে ভাগ্যবান্ ॥৮৫॥

tare prema diya kaila vaisnava-pradhana
kajira nistara katha sune bhagyavan [85]

diya–The Lord gave tare–him prema–divine love [and] kaila–made [him] vaisnava-pradhana–a great devotee. sune–Those who hear katha–discussion kajira nistara–of the Kazi’s deliverance [are] bhagyavan–fortunate. [85]


«The Lord then gave him divine love and made him a great devotee. Those who hear of the Kazi’s deliverance are fortunate.

ব্রজতত্ত্ব নবদ্বীপতত্ত্বে দেখ ভেদ ।
কৃষ্ণ-অপরাধী লভে নির্ব্বাণ অভেদ ॥৮৬॥

হেথা অপরাধী পায় প্রেমরত্ন-ধন ।
অতএব গৌরলীলা সর্ব্বোপরি হন ॥৮৭॥

vraja-tattva navadvipa-tattve dekha bheda
krsna-aparadhi labhe nirvana abheda [86]

hetha aparadhi paya prema-ratna-dhana
ataeva gaura-lila sarvopari hana [87]

dekha–See bheda–the difference vraja-tattva navadvipa-tattve–between Vraja and Nabadwip: krsna-aparadhi–offenders of Krsna labhe–attain abheda nirvana–static liberation, [but] aparadhi–offenders hetha–here paya–attain prema-ratna-dhana–the wealth of the jewel of divine love. ataeva–Thus, gaura-lila–the Pastimes of Gaura hana–are sarvopari–above all. [86–87]


«See the difference between Vraja and Nabadwip: in Vraja, those who offend Krsna attain static liberation, but in Nabadwip, offenders attain the jewel of divine love. Thus, the Pastimes of Gaura are supreme.

গৌরধাম গৌরনাম গৌররূপ-গুণ ।
অপরাধ নাহি মানে তারিতে নিপুণ ॥৮৮॥

gaura-dhama gaura-nama gaura-rupa-guna
aparadha nahi mane tarite nipuna [88]

gaura-dhama–Gaura’s Abode, gaura-nama–Gaura’s Name, [and] gaura-rupa guna–Gaura’s Form and Qualities mane nahi–do not consider aparadha–offences, [and are] nipuna–adept tarite–at deliverance. [88]


«Gaura’s Abode, Name, Form, and Qualities do not consider offences and are adept at delivering souls.

যদি অপরাধ থাকে সাধকের মনে ।
কৃষ্ণনামে কৃষ্ণধামে তারে বহুদিনে ॥৮৯॥

yadi aparadha thake sadhakera mane
krsna-name krsna-dhame tare bahu-dine [89]

yadi–If aparadha–offences thake–exist sadhakera mane–in the mind of a practitioner, krsna-name–Krsna’s Name [and] krsna-dhame–Krsna’s abode tare–deliver [them] bahu-dine–after a long time. [89]


«If offences are present in the mind of a practitioner, Krsna’s Name and abode deliver them after a long time.

গৌরনামে গৌরধামে সদ্য প্রেম হয় ।
অপরাধ নাহি তার বাধা উপজয় ॥৯০॥

gaura-name gaura-dhame sadya prema haya
aparadha nahi tara badha upajaya [90]

gaura-name–Through Gaura’s Name [and] gaura-dhame–Gaura’s abode, prema haya–souls attain divine love sadya–immediately; aparadha–offences badha upajaya nahi–do not obstruct tara–them. [90]


«Gaura’s Name and abode, however, immediately give souls divine love; offences do not obstruct them.

ঐ দেখ ওহে জীব কাজির সমাধি ।
দেখিলে জীবের নাশ হয় আধি ব্যাধি» ॥৯১॥

ai dekha ohe jiva kajira samadhi
dekhile jivera nasa haya adhi vyadhi» [91]

ohe–O jiva–Jiva, dekha–see ai–there kajira samadhi–the samadhi (tomb) of the Kazi. dekhile–By seeing [it,] jivera–a soul’s adhi vyadhi–sickness and sorrow nasa haya»–are dispelled.» [91]


«O Jiva, see there the samadhi of the Kazi. Seeing it dispels sickness and sorrow.»

এত বলি’ নিত্যানন্দ প্রেমে গরগর ।
চলিলেন দ্রুত শঙ্খবণিকনগর ॥৯২॥

eta bali’ nityananda preme garagara
chalilena druta sankha-vanika-nagara [92]

bali’–Saying eta–this, nityananda–Nityananda, garagara–smouldering preme–with divine love, druta–quickly chalilena–went sankha-vanika-nagara–to Sankha Vanik Nagar. [92]


Saying this, Nityananda, smouldering with divine love, quickly went to Sankha Vanik Nagar.

তথা গিয়া শ্রীজীবেরে বলেন বচন ।
«ওই দেখ শরডাঙ্গা অপূর্ব্ব দর্শন ॥৯৩॥

tatha giya sri-jivere balena vachana
«oi dekha saradanga apurva darsana [93]

giya–Arriving tatha–there, vachana balena–He said sri-jivere–to Jiva, «dekha–«See oi–there apurva darsana–the wonderful sight saradanga–of Saradanga. [93]


Arriving there, He said to Sri Jiva, «See there the wonderful sight of Saradanga.

শ্রীশরডাঙ্গা নাম অতি মনোহর ।
জগন্নাথ বৈসে যথা লইয়া শবর ॥৯৪॥

sri-saradanga nama ati manohara
jagannatha vaise yatha la-iya sabara [94]

nama–The name sri-saradanga–Sri Saradanga [is] ati–extremely manohara–beautiful. jagannatha–Jagannath vaise–resides yatha–there sabara la-iya–with the sabaras. [94]


«The name Saradanga is also very beautiful. Jagannath resides there with the sabaras.

পূর্ব্বে যবে রক্তবাহু দৌরাত্ম্য করিল ।
দয়িতা সহিত প্রভু হেথায় আইল ॥৯৫॥

purve yabe raktabahu dauratmya karila
dayita sahita prabhu hethaya aila [95]

purve–Previously, yabe–when raktabahu–Raktabahu dauratmya karila–was on a rampage, prabhu–the Lord aila–came hethaya–here sahita–with dayita–the sabaras (a tribe of outcastes). [95]


«Previously, when a demon named Raktabahu was on a rampage, the Lord came here with the sabaras.

শ্রীপুরুষোত্তম সম এই ধাম হয় ।
নিত্য জগন্নাথস্থিতি তথায় নিশ্চয়» ॥৯৬॥

sri-purusottama sama ei dhama haya
nitya jagannatha-sthiti tathaya nischaya» [96]

ei–This dhama–place haya–is sama–nondifferent sri-purusottama–from Jagannath Puri; nischaya–certainly nitya jagannatha-sthiti–Jagannath resides eternally tathaya»–here.» [96]


«This place is nondifferent from Sri Purusottam Ksetra; Jagannath certainly resides here eternally.»

তবে তন্তুবায়গ্রাম হইলেন পার ।
দেখিলেন খোলাবেচা শ্রীধর-আগার ॥৯৭॥

tabe tantuvaya-grama ha-ilena para
dekhilena khola-vecha sridhara-agara [97]

tabe–Then para ha-ilena–they passed through tantuvaya-grama–the village of Tantuvaya [and] dekhilena–saw khola-vecha sridhara-agara–the cottage of the banana seller Sridhar. [97]


They then passed through Tantuvaya Gram and saw the cottage of Kholavecha Sridhar.

প্রভু বলে, «এই স্থানে শ্রীগৌরাঙ্গ হরি ।
কীর্ত্তন বিশ্রাম কৈল ভক্তে কৃপা করি’॥৯৮॥

prabhu bale, «ei sthane sri-gauranga hari
kirtana visrama kaila bhakte krpa kari’ [98]

prabhu–The Lord bale–said, «ei sthane–«In this place, sri-gauranga hari–Lord Sri Gauranga kirtana visrama kaila–chanted, rested, krpa kari’–and blessed bhakte–devotees. [98]


Nityananda Prabhu said, «Here, Sri Gauranga chanted, rested, and blessed the devotees.

এই হেতু বিশ্রামস্থান এর নাম ।
হেথা শ্রীধরের ঘরে করহ বিশ্রাম ॥৯৯॥

ei hetu visrama-sthana era nama
hetha sridharera ghare karaha visrama [99]

era–Its nama–name ei hetu–thus [became] visrama-sthana–Visram Sthan (‘The Lord’s resting place’). visrama karaha–You may rest hetha–here sridharera ghare–in Sridhar’s cottage. [99]


«This place thus became known as Visram Sthan. You may rest here in Sridhar’s cottage.»

শ্রীধর শুনিল যবে প্রভু-আগমন ।
সাষ্টাঙ্গে আসিয়া করে প্রভুর পূজন ॥১০০॥

sridhara sunila yabe prabhu-agamana
sastange asiya kare prabhura pujana [100]

yabe–When sridhara–Sridhar sunila–heard prabhu-agamana–of the Lord’s arrival, asiya–he came sastange–in prostration [and] prabhura pujana kare–worshipped the Lord. [100]


When Sridhar heard of Nityananda Prabhu’s arrival, he came, prostrated himself, and worshipped the Lord.

বলে, «প্রভু বড় দয়া এ দাসের প্রতি ।
বিশ্রাম করহ হেথা আমার মিনতি» ॥১০১॥

bale, «prabhu bada daya e dasera prati
visrama karaha hetha amara minati» [101]

bale–He said, «prabhu–«O Lord, bada daya–Be greatly merciful e dasera prati–to this servant [and] visrama karaha–rest hetha–here. [This is] amara–my minati»–request.» [101]


He said, «O Lord, be most merciful to this servant and rest here. This is my request.»

প্রভু বলে, «তুমি হও অতি ভাগ্যবান্ ।
তোমারে করিল কৃপা গৌর ভাগবান্ ॥১০২॥

prabhu bale, «tumi hao ati bhagyavan
tomare karila krpa gaura bhagavan [102]

prabhu–The Lord bale–replied, «tumi–«You hao–are ati–very bhagyavan–fortunate: gaura bhagavan–Lord Gauranga krpa karila–has bestowed mercy tomare–upon you. [102]


Nityananda Prabhu replied, «You are very fortunate: Lord Gauranga has bestowed His mercy upon you.

অদ্য মোরা এ স্থানে করিব বিশ্রাম» ।
শুনিয়া শ্রীধর তবে হয় আপ্তকাম ॥১০৩॥

adya mora e sthane kariba visrama»
suniya sridhara tabe haya apta-kama [103]

adya–Today, mora–we visrama kariba–will rest e sthane»–here.» suniya–Hearing [this,] sridhara–Sridhar haya–was tabe–then apta-kama–satisfied. [103]


«Today, we will rest here.» Hearing this, Sridhar was satisfied.

বহুযত্নে সেবাযোগ্য সামগ্রী লইয়া ।
রন্ধন করায় ভক্ত ব্রাহ্মণেরে দিয়া ॥১০৪॥

bahu-yatne seva-yogya samagri la-iya
randhana karaya bhakta brahmanere diya [104]

bahu-yatne–With great care, la-iya–Sridhar collected seva-yogya–offerable samagri–ingredients [and engaged] bhakta brahmanere–a Vaisnava brahman diya randhana karaya–to cook. [104]


With great care, Sridhar collected suitable ingredients and engaged a Vaisnava brahman to cook.

নিতাই শ্রীবাস সেবা হৈলে সমাপন ।
আনন্দে প্রসাদ পায় শ্রীজীব তখন ॥১০৫॥

nitai srivasa seva haile samapana
anande prasada paya sri-jiva takhana [105]

[When] nitai–Nitai [and] srivasa–Srivas’s seva–service samapana haile–was complete, sri-jiva–Sri Jiva takhana–then anande–joyfully paya–took [their] prasada–remnants. [105]


Once Nitai and Srivas had been served, Sri Jiva joyfully took their prasad.

নিত্যানন্দে খট্টোপরি করায় শয়ন ।
সবংশে শ্রীধর করে পাদসম্বাহন ॥১০৬॥

nityanande khattopari karaya sayana
savamse sridhara kare pada-samvahana [106]

sayana karaya–Sridhar laid nityanande–Nityananda khattopari–on a bed. [Then] sridhara–Sridhar savamse–and [his] family pada-samvahana kare–massaged [the Lord’s] feet. [106]


Sridhar laid Nityananda on a bed, and then he and his family massaged the Lord’s feet.

অপরাহ্নে শ্রীজীবেরে লইয়া শ্রীবাস ।
ষষ্টিতীর্থ দেখাইল হইয়া উল্লাস॥১০৭॥

aparahne sri-jivere la-iya srivasa
sasti-tirtha dekhaila ha-iya ullasa [107]

aparahne–In the afternoon, srivasa–Srivas la-iya–took sri-jivere–Sri Jiva [and] ullasa ha-iya–joyfully dekhaila–showed [him] sasti-tirtha–Sasti Tirtha. [107]


In the afternoon, Srivas took Sri Jiva and joyfully showed him Sasti Tirtha.

শ্রীবাস কহিল, «শুন জীব সদাশয় ।
পূর্ব্বে দেবগণ যবে শুনিল নিশ্চয় ॥১০৮॥

নবদ্বীপে হবে মহাপ্রভু অবতার ।
বিশ্বকর্ম্মা আইলেন নদীয়া নগর ॥১০৯॥

srivasa kahila, «suna jiva sad-asaya
purve deva-gana yabe sunila nischaya [108]

navadvipe habe mahaprabhu avatara
visvakarma ailena nadiya nagara [109]

srivasa–Srivas kahila–said, «suna–«Listen, sad-asaya jiva–O pure-hearted Jiva! purve–Previously, yabe–when deva-gana–the gods sunila–heard [that] mahaprabhu–Mahaprabhu nischaya avatara habe–would certainly descend navadvipe–in Nabadwip, visvakarma–the architect of the gods ailena–came nadiya nagara–to the city of Nadia. [108–109]


Srivas said, «Listen, O pure-hearted Jiva! Previously, when the gods heard that Mahaprabhu would descend in Nabadwip, Visvakarma came to Nadia.

প্রভু যেই পথে করিবেন সঙ্কীর্ত্তন ।
সেই পথে জলকষ্ট করিতে বারণ ॥১১০॥

এক রাত্রে ষাট কুণ্ড কাটিল বিশাই ।
শেষ কুণ্ড কাজিগ্রামে করিল কাটাই ॥১১১॥

prabhu yei pathe karibena sankirtana
sei pathe jalakasta karite varana [110]

eka ratre sata kunda katila visai
sesa kunda kaji-grame karila katai [111]

varana karite–To prevent jalakasta–a scarcity of water yei pathe sei pathe–along the paths on which prabhu–the Lord karibena–would perform sankirtana–sankirtan, katila–Visvakarma dug sata visai kunda–sixty large ponds eka ratre–in one night. katai karila–He made sesa kunda–the last pond kaji-grame–in the village of the Kazi. [110–111]


«To prevent a scarcity of water along the paths where the Lord would perform sankirtan, Visvakarma dug sixty large ponds in one night, the last of which he made in the village of the Kazi.

শ্রীধরের কলাবাগ দেখিতে সুন্দর ।
ইহার নিকট এক দেখ সরোবর ॥১১২॥

sridharera kala-baga dekhite sundara
ihara nikata eka dekha sarovara [112]

sridharera–Sridhar’s kala-baga–banana grove [is] sundara–beautiful dekhite–to see. dekha–See [also] eka sarovara–the lake ihara nikata–nearby it. [112]


«Sridhar’s banana grove is beautiful to see. See also the lake nearby.

এই সরোবরে কভু করি’ জল-খেলা ।
মহাপ্রভু লইলেন শ্রীধরের খোলা ॥১১৩॥

ei sarovare kabhu kari’ jala-khela
mahaprabhu la-ilena sridharera khola [113]

mahaprabhu–Mahaprabhu kabhu–sometimes jala-khela kari’–played in the water ei sarovare–in that lake [and] la-ilena–took sridharera–Sridhar’s khola–bananas. [113]


«Mahaprabhu sometimes played in the water there and took Sridhar’s bananas.

অদ্যাবধি মোচা থোড় লইয়া শ্রীধর ।
শ্রীশচীমাতাকে দেয় উল্লাস অন্তর ॥১১৪॥

adyavadhi mocha thoda la-iya sridhara
sri-sachi-matake deya ullasa antara [114]

adyavadhi–Still today, sridhara–Sridhar la-iya–collects mocha–banana flowers [and] thoda–stems, [and] deya–gives [them] sri-sachi-matake–to Mother Sachi ullasa antara–with joy in his heart. [114]


«Still today, Sridhar collects banana flowers and stems, and gives them to Mother Sachi with joy in his heart.

ইহার নিকটে ময়ামারি নাম স্থান ।
দেখহ শ্রীজীব আজো আছে বিদ্যমান ॥১১৫॥

ihara nikate mayamari nama sthana
dekhaha sri-jiva ajo achhe vidyamana [115]

ihara nikate–Near here [is] sthana–a place nama–named mayamari–Mayamari. sri-jiva–O Sri Jiva, dekhaha–see [that it] vidyamana achhe–exists ajo–even today. [115]


«Near here is a place called Mayamari. O Jiva, see that it still exists there today.

পৌরাণিক কথা এক করহ শ্রবণ ।
তীর্থযাত্রা বলদেব করিল যখন ॥১১৬॥

নবদ্বীপে আসি’ যবে করিল বিশ্রাম ।
বিপ্রগণ জানাইল ময়াসুর নাম ॥১১৭॥

pauranika katha eka karaha sravana
tirtha-yatra baladeva karila yakhana [116]

navadvipe asi’ yabe karila visrama
vipra-gana janaila mayasura nama [117]

sravana karaha–Hear eka–a katha–story pauranika–from the Puranas: [once] yakhana–when baladeva–Baladev tirtha-yatra karila–was on a pilgrimage, asi’–He came navadvipe–to Nabadwip [and] visrama karila–rested. yabe–At that time, vipra-gana–some brahmans janaila–told him about mayasura nama–the demon named Maya. [116–117]


«Please hear a story from the Puranas: once when Baladev was on a pilgrimage, He came to Nabadwip and rested. At that time, some brahmans told Him about a demon named Maya.

ময়াসুর-উপদ্রব শুনি’ হলধর ।
মহাবেগে ধরে তারে মাঠের ভিতর ॥১১৮॥

mayasura-upadrava suni haladhara
mahavege dhare tare mathera bhitara [118]

suni’–Hearing upadrava–of the havoc [raised by] mayasura–the demon Maya, haladhara–Baladev mahavege–furiously dhare–confronted tare–him bhitara–in mathera–a field. [118]


«Hearing of the havoc raised by Mayasura, Baladev furiously confronted him in a field.

মহাযুদ্ধ কৈল দৈত্য বলদেব সাথ ।
অবশেষে রাম তারে করিল নিপাত ॥১১৯॥

mahayuddha kaila daitya baladeva satha
avasese rama tare karila nipata [119]

daitya–The demon mahayuddha kaila–fought ferociously satha–with baladeva–Baladev, [and] avasese–finally rama–Baladev nipata karila–killed tare–him. [119]


«The demon fought with Baladev ferociously, and finally Baladev killed him.

সে অবধি ময়ামারি নাম খ্যাত হৈল ।
বহুকাল কথা আজ তোমারে কহিল ॥১২০॥

se avadhi mayamari nama khyata haila
bahu-kala katha aja tomare kahila [120]

se avadhi–Since then, [this place] khyata haila–has become known nama–by the name mayamari–Mayamari. aja–Today, kahila–I have told tomare–you bahu-kala katha–a very old story. [120]


«Since then, this place has become known as Mayamari. Today, I have told you a very old story.

তালবন নাম এই তীর্থ ব্রজপুরে ।
সদা ভাগ্যবান্ জন নয়নেতে স্ফুরে» ॥১২১॥

talavana nama ei tirtha vraja-pure
sada bhagyavan jana nayanete sphure» [121]

ei–This tirtha–place [is] nama–known as talavana–Talavan vraja-pure–in the town of Vraja [and] sada–always sphure–appears nayanete–before the eyes bhagyavan jana»–of the fortunate souls.» [121]


«This place is known as Talavan in Vraja and always appears before the eyes of the fortunate souls.»

সেই রাত্রে সেই স্থানে থাকিলেন সবে ।
পরদিন যাত্রা করে «হরি হরি» রবে ॥১২২॥

sei ratre sei sthane thakilena sabe
para-dina yatra kare «hari hari» rabe [122]

sei ratre–That night, thakilena–they stayed sei sthane–there, [and] para-dina–the next day sabe–they yatra kare–travelled on, rabe–chanting hari hari–«Hari! Hari!» [122]


That night, they stayed there, and the next day they continued on, chanting, «Hari! Hari!»

িতাইজাহ্নবাপদছায়া যার আশ ।
নদীয়া-মাহাত্ম্য করে এ দাস প্রকাশ ॥১২৩॥

nitai-jahnava-pada-chhaya yara asa
nadiya-mahatmya kare e dasa prakasa [123]

e–This dasa–servant, yara–whose asa–aspiration nitai-jahnava-pada-chhaya–in the shade of Nitai and Jahnava’s feet, prakasa kare–reveals nadiya–mahatmya–the glories of Nadia. [123]


This servant, whose aspiration is the shade of Nitai and Jahnava’s feet, reveals the glories of Nadia.

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