amnayah praha tattvam harim iha paramam sarva-saktim rasabdhim
tad bhinnamsams cha jivan prakrti-kavalitan tad-vimuktams cha bhavat
bhedabheda-prakasam sakalam api hareh sadhanam suddha-bhaktim
sadhyam tat-pritim evety upadisati janan gaurachandrah svayam sah

Here, in one verse, Bhakti Vinod Thakur has given the very gist of Gaudiya–Vaisnava philosophy. He says, «We are not interested in the opinion of anyone ordinary: there is no value to any opinion other than what is revealed truth (amnaya).» Amnaya means revealed truth or scripture that is coming through a reliable source: the Guru-parampara, a genuine succession of Gurus.

And what do they say? They enumerate these facts: Hari is all-in-all (Harim iha paramam). What is His nature? He is the master of all potencies (sarva-saktim). And He Himself is the ocean of rasa, ecstasy (rasabdhim).

And the jiva-soul is not a direct part of Him, but a part of His potency (Tad bhinnamsams cha jivan). Not a plenary portion (svamsa), but a partial portion (vibhinnamsa ). Everything is a part of Hari, but svamsa means an Avatar, and vibhinnamsa means a part of His potency, tatastha-sakti. And by nature, some souls are engrossed in the external potency, and we find some in the lap of the internal potency (prakrti-kavalitan tad-vimuktams cha bhavat). By their very existence, some souls are within the svarup-sakti and some are outside the svarup-sakti. Some souls are liberated and some are nonliberated (mukta and amukta). Everything is a part of Hari and has something in common with Him and something different (bhedabheda-prakasam sakalam api Hareh). And the only means to attain Him is pure devotion, exclusive devotion (sadhanam suddha-bhaktim). Hari Himself, in the form of Gaurachandra, is giving us the understanding that divine love is the highest goal of life (sadhyam Tat-pritim evety upadisati janan Gaurachandrah Svayam Sah).

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