There we will find the Lord of love. Love is the worshipping and adoring factor everywhere in that plane. The essential feature of that realm is the relationship of divine love to the central object. And we will find our fulfilment by getting service in a particular position in relation to Him. That is what is needed by everyone: to enter into the land of love and achieve some engagement in the loving service of the central representation of absolute sweetness, beauty, and love. And that highest Absolute Centre came down as Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to invite His long lost servants to return to His home, saying: «I have come to invite you and to take all of you to My home — come with Me!» What a fortunate opportunity we have! By accepting His proposal and gaining admittance in that line, how happily we can go back to home, back to God.

This is the very gist of all religions. Knowingly or unknowingly, every soul is searching for divine love. Still, different varieties of obstacles are coming to dissuade us from our campaign. But the heart won’t be satisfied unless and until it reaches there. Once begun, our journey towards Krishna can never be stopped anywhere. It is merely a question of delay: a long, long time, ages and ages may pass by, but our ultimate success cannot be checked.

Krishna alone can really attract us. We cannot relish anything else from the depth of our heart and accept it as our final destination. We want only beauty and love, not power or knowledge.

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