We must enquire after Krishna. But first we should enquire, «Who am I? Where am I? In which way shall I move to approach the higher domain?» We are always enquiring, but for what type of thing? Now we should open our hearts wide and enquire about Him. This is our dire necessity. We can’t avoid it. And what that enquiry contains, we can’t predict the level of thought. Brahma, Paramatma, Bhagavan. Bhagavan enquiry is the highest: the search for Sri Krishna, Reality the Beautiful.
It is a natural necessity within us, for our own interest; we can’t avoid it. A sane man who does not want to deceive himself can’t avoid the search for Sri Krishna. The most general thing in our nature is to enquire after happiness. This is the general question of all animated beings. The search for Sri Krishna means searching for rasa, the highest form of ecstasy.
If we examine ourselves, we will read and cry: «What have I done? What is my necessity? And how am I passing my days? I must repent, cry. I have passed my days uselessly, I am a traitor to my own self, I am committing suicide. My real complaint is against myself and my so-called friends. We have nothing to do here.» So, read and cry; do or die! Progress in the right way, or you are inviting your death. The general tenor of life, of all existence, in the most scientific way, will be this: search for Sri Krishna, Reality the Beautiful. That is the highest goal not only of humanity, but for all creation. And all problems are harmonised and solved by that.
No complaints against this attempt can be normal. Deviation from this general instruction, the general call, is all false, unnecessary, and injurious. This is the truth, the necessity of everyone, wherever there is life. The most grand, extensive, and friendly call to all, to the whole of the world — the only friendly call — is this: «March towards Krishna!» It is the only call. All others should be silenced. All other topics should be silenced, should be stopped, and only if this call remains, the real welfare of the world remains. So, the Upanisads say, «Yasmin vijnate sarvam idam vijnatam bhavati yasmin prapte sarvam idam praptam bhavati: enquire into that upon knowing which, nothing further remains to be known. Try to achieve that upon gaining which, nothing further remains to be gained.»
A comprehensive call is going out, and this is really nonsectarianism. Apparently, it is thought to be sectarian by the abnormal thinkers. But to every normal-thinking person, it is the most general universal thing that can be dealt with.
At present, we are quarreling in a foreign land for fictitious gain. But a sweet wave is coming from above to save us and take us all home. Only by the grace of the Lord’s loving search for His lost servants is it at all possible. And all that is expected from us is to join the search for Sri Krishna and march towards the divine domain. Let us join the universal march towards the divine domain, save ourselves, and go back home, back to Godhead.