We Need Each Other.” Srila B. R. Madhusudan Maharaj. 2 March 2017. Gupta Govardhan

When we’re alone — how will you do sankirttan, congregational chanting? — We need the devotees. And we need each other. It’s not only like selecting: “Oh, I only want to go, meet one devotee.” Everybody is a devotee who is devoted. And that part of every devotee is what we are associating with. And the part that’s not a devotee — we are not seeing it. So we see everybody as pure devotee, pure devotee, pure devotee, pure devotee. Only pure devotee. And only see ourselves as not a pure devotee.

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When we’re alone — how will you do sankirttan, congregational chanting? — We need the devotees. And we need each other. It’s not only like selecting: “Oh, I only want to go, meet one devotee.” Everybody is a devotee who is devoted. And that part of every devotee is what we are associating with. And the part that’s not a devotee — we are not seeing it. So we see everybody as pure devotee, pure devotee, pure devotee, pure devotee. Only pure devotee. And only see ourselves as not a pure devotee.

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