Gaura-purnima with Sripad Shrutashrava Prabhu (part 2). March 26th, 2005. Lakhta, Saint Petersburg

Lakhta, Saint Petersburg, March 26th, 2005
Photos made by Ananda Vardhan Prabhu

in this Saturday, March 26th, in Lakhta temple Gaura-purnima festivities were going on

In this Saturday, March 26th, in Lakhta temple Gaura-purnima festivities were going on.

«Madhura» vaisnava theatre presented a premiere: «The Fool and The King»

“Madhura” Vaisnava theatre presented a premiere: “The Fool and The King.”

... and after that Sripad Srutasrava Prabhu gave a class

...and after that Sripad Shrutashrava Prabhu gave a class.

evening arati

Evening arati

New Deities's clothes, made specially for Gaurapurnima festival by Urmila dd with help of Amrita Mayi dd, Nandeshvari dd and Shyama Mohini dd

New Deities’s clothes, made specially for Gaura-purnima festival by Urmila Didi with help of Amrita Mayi Didi, Nandeshvari Didi and Shyama Mohini Didi.

As always by Sundays, harinama started from «Ekaterininsky» garden

As always by Sundays, harinama started from Ekaterininsky garden.

This harinama was so mush energetic...

This harinama was so mush energetic...

...that Sundar Jyoti Prabhu who was playing mridang, had to repair it soon: fix a big membrane with a screw-driver

...that Sundar Jyoti Prabhu who was playing mridang, had to repair it soon: fix a big membrane with a screw-driver.




(part 1)


←  Gaura-purnima with Sripad Shrutashrava Prabhu (part 1). March 25th, 2005. Lakhta, Saint Petersburg ·• Архив новостей •· Srila Saraswati Thakur’s appearance day. March 1st, 2005. Moscow  →

Lakhta, Saint Petersburg, March 26th, 2005
Photos made by Ananda Vardhan Prabhu

in this Saturday, March 26th, in Lakhta temple Gaura-purnima festivities were going on

In this Saturday, March 26th, in Lakhta temple Gaura-purnima festivities were going on.

«Madhura» vaisnava theatre presented a premiere: «The Fool and The King»

“Madhura” Vaisnava theatre presented a premiere: “The Fool and The King.”

... and after that Sripad Srutasrava Prabhu gave a class

...and after that Sripad Shrutashrava Prabhu gave a class.

evening arati

Evening arati

New Deities's clothes, made specially for Gaurapurnima festival by Urmila dd with help of Amrita Mayi dd, Nandeshvari dd and Shyama Mohini dd

New Deities’s clothes, made specially for Gaura-purnima festival by Urmila Didi with help of Amrita Mayi Didi, Nandeshvari Didi and Shyama Mohini Didi.

As always by Sundays, harinama started from «Ekaterininsky» garden

As always by Sundays, harinama started from Ekaterininsky garden.

This harinama was so mush energetic...

This harinama was so mush energetic...

...that Sundar Jyoti Prabhu who was playing mridang, had to repair it soon: fix a big membrane with a screw-driver

...that Sundar Jyoti Prabhu who was playing mridang, had to repair it soon: fix a big membrane with a screw-driver.




(part 1)


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